No one ever visits this place!
I realise the number of foul words used in the previous entry is more than the entire blog's add up. Hahah! But who cares right, it's the 21st century! And no one ever visits this place, so i can type any thing here..haha!
But i was really, angry with the hairstylist. Imagine, someone cut your hair like that:
AND THEN CLAIM THAT YOU ASKED HER TO CUT LIKE THAT. How would you feel huh! For nothing i feel as though i took up a role in mediacorp acting retarded or something.
Ok, anyway, after the recut, it's not that bad anymore. It's just a bit short and disproportionate. My blog is becoming one year old! Woohoo! I think my blogging style has changed quite a bit and i prefer the way i blog last time. Those were the times when i didnt know how to upload pictures at all! And those were the times when i blog solely for myself to read and maybe a few other closer friends. Arh, i missed those times when i can blog so freeeeeeely cause no one will ever judge me cause only i read what! Now i'm quite sure teachers have come here before once. So must be extra cautious everytime i write..and i used to be able to write super duper crappy staff cause no one would call me stupid. I better not write so much now if not i will have nothing left to write for Turnmachine's One Year Anniversary Entry. Come to think of it, with all the tests and exams and the BIG As coming in my way this year, i doubt i will be able to sustain all these writings anymore. And i'm considering of shutting this place down, really, although i did mention a few times before. Ok, those people who detest this blog will be rubbing their hands gleefully now, but didnt i tell u to stop coming here if you dont like this place! And i'm thinking of converting this blog into a BOOK for my keepsake. Coool! But i guess it will take a loong loong time before i find the time to do up the cover page, content page, editing blah blah. I'm becoming a publisher, writer, editor..everything. The book will be a good way to mark the end of my blogging days and when i'm old and retiring, i can whip out the book someday, wipe out the dust and read about what a crazy teenager i have been. Maybe one day, the book might even sell! I'm going to patent this Blog-turn-book idea. So you dont try to copy k.
woww a book sounds like a great idea lah! but sooo time consuming.
"There are three types of patents:
1) Utility patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof;
2) Design patents may be granted to anyone who invents a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture; and
3) Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant."
Where does the concept of blog-turn-book fall into? It can't be patented. Besides, you're not the first to think up of it. Check out
hahahaz yeah i read this dumb blog too. and its ok lah. pp always sound stupid on their blogs. and your hair is fine. not realli down syndrome kind. jus abit more lil-boyish. wads new. hahaz.. kz lah wait for it to grow be. luck for e concert!:)
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