

Opening ceremony!

After one year of warming up, the school is finally holding it's official Opening Ceremony.

It's quite a grand affair, considering they spent 10 000 dollars on the big tent at the parade square and Prime Minister being out guest-of-honour alongside with his entire troop of PAP friends.

PM Lee is really tall, almost on par with Mr Hodge!

Anyway, i was made to come to school at 830am today and the thing only started at 10am! WAA LAO! And they didnt even take attendance cause everyone was scattered everywhere.. but i managed to kill some time playing Pass The Song with milo cai xin and glen. It's a veh fun game especially when Milo kept distorting the song halfway into some ET song.

It starts with me singing a portion of a song, excluding the lyrics to milo then milo will pass the song to cai xin the cai xin to glen and glen will guess the song. It's very funny cause the songs either get cut short terribly or it gets distorted into a totally different song, like how Ji Mo Bian Jie became Incredibles.

So finally 10am arrived, so did Prime Minister Lee.

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that's the best i got.

Wasnt a very grand entrance, maybe it's cause i was watching from LT 1 from a very louyapok cameraman. PM appeared out of nowhere and you know what, i think the cameraman is psychotic.


If that's no enough, there's one point when the screen shaked so badly i thought there was Tsunami...

The usual speeches and then there was a special song composed by dont know who and i must say it sounds weird.

Part 1 ended in half an hours which was very fast in my opinion.

Following which was rather disappointing.

Toooo crowded.

Ineffective use of space.

They invited people from all 3 raffles school plus parents, which is a lot of people! And only one block level space was utilised!

HOW TO WALK?! I could hardly even walk through the large masses of people. And Haunted House was having a super long queue we couldnt play...

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Why they dont open up the Hall and specs gallery area for stalls too? I think it'll be more comfortable and maybe set up games stall too! School admin are u listening?


I was very hungry after the talk so i took out my wallet, got my money ready and wanted to eat like a siao gin nah. But to my utmost disappointment the food was so expensive, my modest wallet cannot afford.


And the OREO MILKSHAKE I BOUGHT COSTS $2.50! And it actually looks like Fear Factor drink where they blend in the caterpilla millipede... I ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT. They actually didnt blend properly and the ice are all still in cubes.

Oh man, whenever i equate the prices to how many chicken rice i can buy with it, i dont feel like buying it anymore.

The food doesnt look appetizing to begin with.

Why must they sell so expensive, why! I know it's for charity but the prices are extremely marked up. Everyone's suppose to have fun right but i didnt. I had to squeeze and manoeuvre through the crowd and i cannot even find decent worthy food!

As a result, i had to be thick skinned and go to the reception for food. HAHAH!!

But when i got there i saw louis already eating a whole plate of food. HHAHAHA!!

The food looks soggy so i just got a few finger food to suppress my hunger then we went out to J8 for lunch.

So opening ceremony, in my opinion, was disatisfactory.


Blogger crossbearer said...

aiyoh. why was it such a let down? I would have thought that such a grand opening ceremony would be much better. oh well.

AND YESSSSSSSSS. I totally totally totally agree on the stupid standing broad jump station. I don't want to keep redoing all my dumb stations until I can jump 2.2m!!

4/08/2006 11:06 PM  

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