

Toilet Conversation.

Adriel and I went in search for 2 adjacent, nice, clean toilet cubicles to bang sai before we change into our SYF uniform. However, we rejected 2 storeys of toilets because of the following reasons:
1)Someone was shitting and was too stink
2) No toilet paper
3)Lock Spoil
4) Shit left unflushed
All these constitutes to a non-conducive shitting environment which then made us walk another storey up. And tada! There were 2 clean and nice adjacent cubicles for us to use! Then all that toilet conversation began.
(in midst of shitting)
Me: Are you done? How many percent left?
Adriel: 40% 3 seconds remaining..
Me: Ok. I'm done
Adriel: Download completed.
That's Part I of toilet conversation.
Part II
Me: Are you changing?
*thunderous vibration
Me: Are you ok?
Adriel: The toilet door broke open
Me: *giggles
Me: What happen again?!
Adriel: My hanger broke
Me: Your cubicle got earthquake is its..
While i thought everything was back to normal, natural disaster continue to hit adriel's jinxed cubicle. He experienced a tsunami. But this time, the tsunami was man-made. He thought me how to create a fake tsunami effect in the cubicle. It's simple. Essentially, you just need to flush the toilet bowl and give a fading shriek. Ok, you might not think it's funny but you really have to experience it or rather try it yourself ok.
I received some presents today and i think they were really great. Patrick made a very nice glittery bottled paper weight with a plastic horse inside. I thought that was really creative and probably took up quite a lot of effort. Another nice present was the one from Liane and angel. It was a golden box with stars on it was really cool. In it were golden-wrapper chocolates and a gold-black friendship band, giving me an illusion of opening a treasure box. That was really unique i thought. Thanks brid and gang for that nice, practical fan which i will probably bring to school and use. Thanks to bryan-n who actually wrote a note for the whole section!
You know at the rate i'm using the words can, sia and adding a S to every word, my GP essay is going to fail quite terribly. I'll probably have so many grammar mistakes all over the paper until she has to mark me by circling the correct words instead of the wrong ones. Later you see a red patch on B-jie's pink or blue shirt because she probably vomitted blood while marking my essay.
Eh, but who knows she might change she way of speaking. HAHA!! Imagine her saying CAN or SIA after every phrase.. That would be how funny can.
By the way, my malaysian accent is improving day by day.
Why nobody leave notes ones. I feel like i'm talking to myself can. And arh, i realise you all veh lazy can. Everytime i upload photo you dont bother to click on the link one right. Click on it can. I can't find a programme to upload clear and life-size images larh, so far my level of technology stucks at only being able to upload through free image hosting sites which means i can only insert thumbnails and you have to click on the link to see! Since like nobody see i think i dont upload so many photos, waste my time.
Wish all of you a great weekend ahead.


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