

It's a blackhead. No, it's pimple!

I have always been troubled by this inflamed red patch on my forehead, in between my eye browns. It's really irritating because it just wont go away no matter what i do! IT JUST WONT CLEAR!

The worst thing is i dont even know what it is! I am still figuring whether is it acne, blackheads or pimple. So what i normally do is that i put clearasil pimple cream and acne cream simultaneously. Come to think of it, maybe the reason why it doesnt heal is because i mixed the cream together. But then i seriously dont know if those are acne or pimples!!

These terms seem very confusing at the moment. I went to do a slight research on what are they.


Kannan, when viewed from the top.

HAHA, not true arh, i'm just joking ok. Can you imagine seeing lots of kannan's heads on your face. ARH! Halleluiah!

Anyway, I searched the web awhile and i got:

An open, noninflammatory acne lesion (black spots the size of a pinhead).


Acne, a term used for complexion problems - pimples, zits, blackheads, and so on, is one of the
most common of all skin problems. It affects most teenagers to some degree and even many adults. Acne shows up as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and, in some people, deep painful bumps that look and feel like boils. Acne most commonly occurs on the face but can also appear on the back, chest, shoulders, and neck.

Lastly, pimples. Arh, forget it, you all should know what is it since almost all of you keep a few of them on your face. Some of you even cultivate a whole culture of them on your face. So you cannot laugh at me because you are also a victim. Dont lie ok, i know you have.

Now, instead of teasing each other, let's work hand in hand to destroy those punk asses on our faces.

And while photoshop can help you clear them temporarily, it isnt a long term solution.

Anyway, before we begin the battle, we need to identify them.

First and foremorst, identify the patch on your face where red spots prosper. Like this:

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Ok, got it? Let's move on..

[warning: from here onwards, the content is highly disturbing to some. If you have a weak
heart, refrain from viewing]

Get ready in hand, a frying pan. Dont use the non-stick one please, because we cant identify blackheads using non-stick pans, later you'll see.

So, hurry, get a pan!

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Heat up the pan to around 88 degrees (a very auspicious number hor).

Once temperature reaches 88 degrees, immediately, without hesitation, STICK YOUR FACE TO THE PAN!! LIKE THIS!

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While head is in pan, notice the following results:

A: Pimple

Pan sizzles,
sizzles and sizzles
non-stop. Pop sounds might be observed occassionally. Once no further sounds are heard, done. Lift head up.

B: Black head

You will realise your face feels stuck to the pan. Try pulling the pan apart and once successfully done, white spots appear on the pan. (black heads). If you use non stick pan, the pan will not stick to your face and the experiment wont be accurate.

C: Acne

Pus start to flow uncontrollably. Watch out: Extremely disgusting.end product looks like an omelette.
Note: Wash pan thoroughly after use, ban children under 10 from watching.

And after the experiment's done, lift your head up, take a deep breath and tada! Done!

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Now that you have identified your problem, seek proper treatment such as putting on the right cream for the right spots. Dont use acne cream for pimples and vice versa!

PS According to the ministry of health, the above experiment is highly dangerous and abusive to oneself. So,



Blogger F said...

darling..you are SO improving!!HAHA
pimples...I HAVE TOO!!
u look like those sell the guo-lis one lehh
those put one tiny little table one..
den cook stuff for people to show how good the pans are one..
you know not??
no la..
just joking la..=)))

7/26/2005 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohmygoodness. LOL.
agreed one of the best entries yet! super amusing! :)))

7/27/2005 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah, fried acne..

7/27/2005 11:41 PM  

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