


Grey's Anatomy is starting in 20 minutes and i'm setting myself a challenge to complete this entry in 15 mintutes!

Today's a holiday. No, not really, we still went back for an extra lesson. I learnt polymerisation in 2 hrs and we went for mini class lunch and i had 2 tissue pratas! Junction 8 Food Court sells tissue pratas you know that? The big, triangular hat shape prata. It's called paper prata actually. And it's by far, the cheapest food available in the entire food court, $1.50 for one, quite reasonable.

Okok, that's not the point!

What i want to say is i finally bought my Geek Specs! Hahaha!!

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It's suppose to look Funky.

I've been trying to look this specs since it has been in fashion but i just couldnt find a cheap one! I just wanted to buy and wear for fun what, buy so expensive one for what.

Initially i thought this kind of specs at most cost like $20 since it's merely plastic <-- a type of polymer.

But i was wrong, cause at all the spectacle shops i've been to, it is unreasonably priced at $98 (and above) WITHOUT DEGREES! Waaaddeheow!!

It's only plastic! SELL SO EXPENSIVE FOR WHAT!

So being the cheapo, i never got the specs. Until today when i went to Bugis Street, i saw it for only $8! And it doesnt look any different from those i saw earlier. Go bugis street!

So talking about the Geeky specs...

Say hi to Mr Geek.

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Hahaha!! Does it look Geeky enough? I think it suits the overall mugger image i'm trying to achieve. But thing is, this pair of specs has no degrees so i cant really see.

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siao gin nah.

Anyway, i let Pepsi try on the geek specs and i think he looks really good.

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OK! Time is running out and i must plant myself in front of the TV soon together with a can of pringles.

And go get yourself a pair of Geek Specs and you can Hi Five with me when we meet.

"Hey! You look super geekish."

"You too!"

"yeah man, high five!"


Blogger crossbearer said...

hahaha...geek specs! I don't really dig geek specs lah. =PpP But 8 bucks for a pair of spectacles is really quite a bargain!

4/12/2006 9:47 PM  

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