

Crime Watch: The dangling OHP screen case

Welcome to today's episode on Crime Watch.

22nd August 2005, an act of vandalism occurred in the bishan-ang mo kio area. Investigations
have been carried out to find out the culprit of the case. At that time, only the following suspects were present. Continuous trials have been carried out but no clues were found and we need the help of the public to solve this mind-boggling case.

So, Who is the culprit for the dangling ohp screen case?

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Suspect no. 1 Kanarama Dramamama

Kanarama dramamama has been active in the crime scene. His continous trips down the neighbourhood police post have caused him to be blacklisted. Could he be the one? But neighbours said he have turned over a new leaf (he even cooked curry bird for them during christmas!). Will he ever mend his ways and be a properly reformed man?

Suspect no. 2 Mrs Dua hand

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Mrs dua hand, famous for her larger than life palms have always caused trouble because of her poor hand control. Many alleged that she accidentally slapped the OHP when she was dancing. However, she argued that she already quit dancing ever since she accidentally flattened a rat. Do you think its true? Could she be the culprit?

Suspect no 3 Lian Hua

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Lian hua, perpetual gang member of the lotus gang club and famous for her i-will-murder-you-now expression. She was involved in several crimes including daylight robbery and night burglary. She even stole her neighbours bird's nest in a nearby mountain (later found to cause
diarrhea). Butt note the tattoo on her forehand. She, like suspect no. 1 has decided to reform. She changed her I Love You tattoo to a Handicap logo to prove her dedication and involvement in community service.

Suspect no. 4: Chao Ma Ge aka Chao mugger

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Chao Ma Ge is well-known for her muggerish character. But in this photo, she looks frantic. She tries to hide with her book, but to no avail.Why is she so hideous? Could she be hiding something from us? Muggers make mistakes too.

Now, having evaluated the personal bio-data of the above suspects, it's your turn now! Who do you think is the real culprit? Take your votes! NOW!

If you have any information relating to the cases, please call the Poolice Hotline at 1800-nab-them. Your identity will be kept strictly confidential.

P.S The above entry is totally fictitious and does not represent the my views in anyway. Characters are made up and have fun


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog is getting more and more interesting. =P

i was the only one who chose the 3rd suspect so far.

8/22/2005 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha u are crazy. luckily i took my pic off ur cam.

8/22/2005 11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THIS IS WHY PPL ARE SCARED OF ORLANDO!! LOL. ohgosh thx for e humour benjyyy!!! ur imagination's terrific lahhh :)))

8/23/2005 12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha i am SURE your characters are having lots of fun!! (having their pictures posted on the net and with taglines proudly proclaiming them as would-be criminals) but yeah it's funnnyyyy!! hahaha

8/23/2005 10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that xincai? o.O

8/24/2005 12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha..i like e lian hua suspect...lolz....ur blog's reli funny...hahhaha

8/24/2005 9:14 PM  
Blogger YanYing said...

Whoa, good imagination!!!

1/26/2006 4:38 PM  

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