5/31/2005rotten.I'm rotting at home. I have spent 3 consecutive days slacking at home. Everybody's going out except me! Why am i so unpopular. I want my message inbox to flood everday and phone bills to burst with people asking me out. CALL ME OUT. My life currently revolves around blog surfing and harrassing people online. I read so many people's blogs that my social circle suddenly expanded rather massively. But i tell you, it's not easy can. I get especially nauseus reading blogs with tiny fonts and blogs with similar background colour and font colour. That's extremely irritating alright people, DONT EVER attempt to do that. Look at mine, old folks friendly. I haven updated for 2 days and that's quite surprising considering how extensively i blog usually. Haha, i really enjoy blogging.. Actually, there's a reason why i din blog for 2 days. I merely want to make sure all of you saw my birthday wishlist. Let me gently remind you again, my birthday is approaching. Ok i better stop saying, later say so much never receive any present abit embarrassing. Yesterday i went to buy a desktop fan which can be plugged into my computer usb port. Cool right. Mine is blue one though. Blue rocks. But i must admit that, it is good to see but not good to use. The amount of wind it produces is just sufficient to blow off a baby ant. Anyway, i have a bigger fan behind me which is good enough, at least to prevent me from suffering a heat stroke. You know how loser is it to die infront of a computer. I just recovered from my sore throat despite drinking tom yum soup yesterday. Perhaps the more you irritate your throat the faster it will heal. So if you get a cold, lock yourself in a freezer. I bet you will heal. Oh, talking about fridge, guess what i saw im my fridge... As i was saying, i just recovered from a sorethroat, and now i got a cold. My nose i running like a tap...
That's today's date.
Exactly one month later, it will be 290605... MY BIRTHDAY! I think i will celebrate my birthday the weekend straight after my birthday since, very unfortunately, my birthday falls on our bio common test(that's so sad right). Then i can celebrate end of commontest at the same time! By the way, a new movie War of the Worlds is opening on my birthday as well. I must catch that movie because you know what? I saw them filming the movie when i was in my US holiday last december! So cool right. Tom cruise was there too. My birthday wishlist: 1) A pair of blades. I have always wanted a pair of roller blades my mother insists not to help me get one because she says it's a waste of money. But i really want one so i can skate around west coast park, to and fro my sister's house and maybe to school? Haha..i think my legs would have been broken. Oh yah, my shoe size is 8. Actually any colour will do except red, orange..those beng colours essentially. 2) IPOD mini(blue). Haha, i know it's very expensive and that's why i know it will be on my wish list forever because no one will buy it. But nvm, i still want to write it here since it's just a 'wish' list. 3) A swimming goggle. My old goggle is wearing out soon and it fogs easily. I want a nice new nike goggle! 4) a pair of slippers. my slippers are worn out too. and it's turning a bit the black. I want a stylish pair of slippers like this one: 5) Billabong towel. Haha..i think it's time for me to carry nicer towels around, especially when i go for TOWNS programme. I was searching around for nice towels and i found so many of them! 6) anything billabong.( i want the waist pouch) 7)anything blue and nice. That's the end of my birthday wish list. I hope my birthday will be a great day. I mean, what can be worse sharing your birthday with a test? 5/28/2005a random entry
The one-cm in diameter pimple on my nose is killing me. Pimple can cause a lot of pain you know that? Especially such a humongous one on my nose. It's brewing in my nose and that's the part that is giving me a headache. It refuses to pop out and it's like growing and ripening like a pot of soup cooking. ok, that's a bad analogy. ARGH.
QUICK COME OUT PIMPLE. HEAR ME?! ![]() This is made worse with the fervid weather. (although it's good for TOWNS). I think i'm getting heaty nowadays and i'm developing a sore throat. Anyway, that aside. I went to a funfair today! ![]() I went there with fairli poh my cousin, for those who are sharp, you're right, she's the one is disfigured in the BBQ entry. HAHA. Actually we went to support another cousin of ours who set up a stall in her school's funfair. But we din see her. We went there to support her but never see her. What type of cousins are we.. ![]() Lousy cousins. The fun fair was good considering it to be in a primary school. I think it's better than ora where most of the activitives are limited to the canteen. There are water dunks, games, food and even MANICURE. Funny sia, funfair got manicure. However, we hardly participated in any activities and the food was rather unappealing. I can still vividly remember they sold drumsticks at 3 for 10 dollars and how the ice kacang machine suddenly stop and he had to manually grind the ice.. So in the end, we went outside for japanese cuisine. And there..the day ends for me because there is hardly anywhere else i could go in that sweltering hot weather. Recently, i was pondering over what type of person am i. I have so many personalities which even i myself am confused. I think most of you probably experience the same thing, maybe. But then, sometimes i hope to be a more serious person, speaking the right things at the right time. I hate it when i blurt something out in the middle of some serious discussion. Sigh. Enough of me, let's talk about other people, my forte can. __________________________ If you have no time, skip this paragraph: Have i ever told you i dislike people who pretend to be enthusiastic about certain things when they are not. This is what i call hypocrisy. The worst thing is that they pretend to gain something. They want people to know they are the dedicated ones, the enthusiastic ones so they can gain recognition. But it's most of the time so obvious and it seems absolutely fake and pretentious. For goodness sake, we are old enough to differentiate between the true blue dedicated ones and the super fake pretentious kids. So dont bother to pretend. If you are not interested, please dont act enthusiatic. Just leave and go somewhere else where u can be truly committed. No one is going to eat you up and blame you for anything. Anyway, all types of people exist in the world and i can only accept them for who they are. _________________________ I get thoroughly amused when people who doesnt like my blog keep following my entries and keep reading. Then subsequently they comment on how senseless my remarks are and all those silly comments. and finally saying that i only care about freedom of speech. You know what, you are really a pea-brain. I feel like knocking out ur tiny pea brain. Is there a blood clot in your pea brain or what? You know i only care about freedom of speech so why are you still commenting? If you think my entries are senseless then why are you still reading? Dont amuse me with your comments alright, i have enough laughing at how small your brain is. If i ever lead a life like yours, reading things i detest to anger myself, i would rather jump down the building and end my miserly life. 5/27/20050 calorie ice-cream
How many times have you felt guilty eating ice cream because you know you have already taken in too many calories? You battle with your conscience but you lose. Your mind tells you to eat..
Yes, you decided and there you go, savouring yet another sinful ice-cream. But from now onwards, you dont have to worry anymore. Because with me, The Great and Original, you can continue to enjoy your after-meal treat without having to worry how much exercise you need to do or how many slimming pills to pop after eating. No worries any more! With 0-calorie ice cream you can throw all your worries out of the window! Ok, now it's time for me to show you what's exactly a 0-calorie ice cream before you accuse me of bull-shitting. By the way, the images are of lousy resolution because i used my camera phone. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Firstly, you need an ice-cream tray ... ![]() ...and some diet coke. ![]() Oh, the ice-cream tray can be bought from IKEA at 3.90. It's quite reasonable. The main reason why this ice cream is 0-calorie is because, i'm using coke light which contains less than 1 calorie. See: ![]() So once you got the material and ingredient ready, you pour the coke carefully into the tray. Dont fill to the top because it will overflow when you cap it. So gingerly, pour to the marking and stop. ![]() Then place the ice-cream sticks inside and hide it well in the freezer. ![]() Best if kept frozen over night. Wait patiently and there you go, a 0-calorie ice cream made by yourself! You might still argue with me that this ice cream is not zero calorie since it says less than 1 calorie which does not mean it doesnt contain calorie at all. But think harder u pea-brain, the calories you burn from making the ice cream will far exceed that you gain from this ice cream. So, in fact, you are actually gaining negative calories when you eat this ice cream! Haha..can you imagine losing weight just by eating this ice-cream... But i think i need to think of a better name for it since it doesnt contain any cream.. 0 calorie ice stick? Whatever. It's 0 calorie! Enjoy it. 5/23/2005Call the fashion police when...
This entry was meant to be written yesterday's night
I took a peek at my clock. It showed 530. That meant that i was late because i was suppose to meet my ex-classmates at 6pm at king albert park. So in a hurry, i stopped blogging and grab some pieces of clothing. As i did not have the time to pick my clothes, i casually took the ones nearest to my hand and POOF. I turned out like shit. I'm going for a market-fishmonger look you see. It's in fashion now. You must take a closer look at my shoes, they're even better. Then i went to flag a taxi which i figured is most cost-effective since it saves me time and the hassle of changing 3 buses. So i got there in 10 minutes and was just a little late. By the way, is there any surcharge yesterday or peak hour charge? The uncle din charge me though, maybe comfort taxis recognise me as their avid supporter so i din have to pay for any extra cost. Oh, i forgot to say why i was there. I was there because we, as in my exclassmates, are suppose to watch the hwa chong stings ensem concert in which one of our friend abel is performing. The performance called, inspirations 5. The banner wrote " Inspirations 5, auditiorium this way please" It's great to see your exclassmates again, although only like 1/3 the class turned up for the performance. After dinner, we went to purchase some flowers for abel. Being the lazy people we are, we decided to just pop by shop n save, erm no, i mean cold storage. (more high class can). We took quite awhile to decide on which flower to buy. We spotted on bouquet of pink roses which was cheap-skately wrapped with rubber band and plastic. It's quite obvious it's the Buy-in-bulk flowers. Oh, chuan yuan was super embarrassing when he asked the salesman if they help to dismantle the flowers and wrap seperately. For goodness sake, it's cold storage, not Mary's flower shop(by random). So we decided on that buy in bulk roses which no one dared to hold it. (the price tag's still there) Dilly-dally-ly, we walked to hci.
Teenage boy, around 17, wearing a long sleeve black teeshirt and long pants. Until here, it's still ok. Then you know what. He wore a maroon shirt over his black t-shirt. Now, can you imagine
5/21/20053 for 10 dollars.
Where did all of you go?
I woke up at 740 and went for breakfast with my grandmother. She said my mouth is potruding more each day which it's a cause for concern. I think it's because i play too much clarinet. My face shape is getting weirder and weirder. I'm signing up for extreme makeover, dont stop me. Anyway, i wasn't late for band but i think i'm still blacklisted bacause the times that i'm late far exceed more than the times i'm punctual. Furthermore, ever since that day when i went for ora and not return for band, my name just got promoted to the priority level, maybe even highlighted. After band i went to junction 8. You know what, we saw zhong qin(kym ng) and quan yifeng filming the yuan lai jiu shi ni show. So cools right. I wanted to see them yet i dont dare to get near them because i scared they interview me. Later they choose me how?! I cannot appear in tv cause it's super embarrassing. But i think we did appear because most of the scenes we were standing in the background(back facing the camera). So people, go watch it, tuesday 915 channel U next next week i guess. You get to see me in the background alright. But I hope they censor the part which i was sneakily taking a photo of zhong qin in the background cause it will make me look ultra sua gu and loser as well. I heard that celeste and jeff wang was at j8 too. I wonder why she still have the cheeks patronise junction 8 again because the previous time when she came to put up a performance only like 10 pple turn up. Dont she feel embarrassed enough. 10 pathetic souls supporting her cum doing their homework. The worst thing was that they even sold her pirated cds in front of her at 3 for 10 dollars. Can you imagine pple selling your pirated cds in front of you while you are singing and promoting your album? . If i were her i would have jumped down the building straight away. Talking about pirated cds, my mother bought quite a lot of them. The karaoke cds especially. I happen to watch quite a bit of it and i was quite disgusted with the quality. You know what, they engaged a senior model. Oh, when i say senior model, i mean old and unwanted model. Yup, they engaged this type of models to walk around a park with a scarf around 20 times and then they used it as the background for the music. And it's super drama mama that my goose bumps pop out voluntarily. In certain scenes, you might be a little luckier to get to see her riding on a speedboat, circling around the same spot for mayeb 30 times? That's condering she doesnt N.G . That's still ultra drama because the senior model puts on full makeup, have long and well-curled hair. Who in the right mind will wear full make up, perm hair and ride a speed boat you tell me. You tell me larh. She think she going for wedding dinner can. But then again, that's what you get at 3 for 10 dollars. So, the moral of the story : Never buy things at 3 for 10 dollars, including underwear.
You know the time which most people commit suicide is 0430. I wonder why is it that time. Maybe because they sleep walk and accidentally fall off the window? Or perhaps they cant
sleep and want to find something thrilling to do...such as bungee jumping without a string? Weird people. So it's not really a loss having them committing suicide. The world becomes a more normal place without them. Anyway, today was good. We played floor ball for PE which i am actually quite good at it. Reaaaally. I was top scorer can. Haha... Actually, i merely camped near the goal post, wait for the ball to come and just hit it into the net, claiming all the credit. Oh, you know lulu was rather funny today. He tooked a spoilt floorball stick and he din know(he somemore thought very good). Then hongsheng asked him to change to another one and he said he dont want because the stick was straight. As in, the good stick is suppose to be straight, not the curve one that he is holding. And i was controlling my laughter. I think lulu has violent tendencies. He likes to wack things. When we played floorball, he was hitting the small little plastic ball so extremely hard that the ball keeps flying away. He thinks floorball is all about smashing the ball, which is absurd. So whenever he got the ball, i never bothered to snatch it or tackle it from him in case my feet get smashed accidentally. During math, i volunteered to do one question, the only question i did. Haha..i think that's a smart tactic to avoid teachers from exposing you. It's call tutorial-smart. Do a few questions and volunteer to do them. It will look as if you have attempted all the questions. really. Then chem was bend-your-head-as-low-as-possible time. I din attempt any question and i was so afraid he would call me. Fortunately, he din. His appraisal was done by another teacher who sat behind and he asked if language is one of the judging criteria.. And the worst thing is, instead of correcting his error, he emphasised it. He was saying something like are there any question? then he realised something was wrong and he corrected to IS there any questionS, which is, equally wrong. PW was the slackiest lesson of the day. Everyone was late because the silly lift just doesnt want to come. The lift a bit sot. (crazy) one can. Sometimes travel so fast sometimes so slow. Sometimes even go to 11 floor. I already told tessie upteem times to stop playing with the lift and she still dont listen. Tessie nowadays getting very out of hand one cans. I will deal with her tomr. please remind kannan to bring pork floss . Talking about tessie, she gets quite scary at times. You know she was trying to talk to that PE teacher, but she din know his name, so she was floating around him, trying to get his attention, but to no avail, as usual. This tessie arh. ![]() Scared the wits out of me man. (do u see the resemblance between tessie and the backgrnd woman) (I promised not to distort people's photo and it still holds true because i did not distort this photo at all. 100% natural) Might as well just pose nicely. Back to PW, what's up with hay oon man. Can someone phone the fashion police to nab her. Did you see her shoes? Pink leopard skin design shoe with a pink chap-teh like feather on the top. You might think it's ok. But that with a brown aunty pants. Fashion disaster can. If i ever walk with her on the street, i will wrap my head with plastic bag. (dont care if i get suffocated). And since this is such a classic example of a fashion disaster, i tooked around 10 secret shots of it in lyn's camera which she kindly lent it to me since orlando's gone. I cant upload though since i dont have the connection thing. By the way orlando's going for another month!! Which means he cannot spend my birthday with me...arh..i want to take pictures. After that, i wanted to go for tanning session 4. but it failed because in the midst of me swimming, the sky threatened to rain. The sun was covered by clouds and i could not tan! So i went to swim and while attempting to swim another style, my little toe cramped. I thought it broke off can. So i was forced to stop my nonsense and go back. I went to shop and save to buy snacks for the weekends! (By the way, let me warn you, shop and save is filled with Xiang yun's face.) So while i am blogging, i can snack and grow fat. I want to grow fat. I want to be obese. I want to take up 2 seats on the bus so that no one else can sit beside me. I want to block 3 persons way and let everyone notice me on the street. I WANT TO BE FAT. By the way, i suspect there's a snake in my stomach which eats up everything i consume, so i cant put on any more weight. I bought mochi and mini cornetto which i thought was quite cutes. Mini cornetto! I bought big seaweeds and top shell. Do you know what's top shell? It's a very very nice thing to eat but it's quite unknown because very few places sell them. It's a can of snails. You just have to cut them up and add lime. I enjoy chewiness of the snails. Today i was quite suay can. I almost step onto a dead lizard. The dead lizard was lying stomach side up and so many ants were scrambling around and i actually almost stepped on it while drinking my tau huay zui. You know right, the tau huay aunty quite smarts leh. She saw me and asked if i went swimming. I dont know how she know i went swimming. You mean i got swimming face? Do i? Ok, i think i am joining SEA games next time. The tau huay auntie also veh generous. She scoop so much tau huay zui that could probably last me until tomorrow. Generous and smart tau huay auntie. Go support her. Oh, it's cheap too, compared to jollibean. 5/19/2005My mean is good.
Do you get what i mean?
My mean is good. DrC was trying to say i mean well, but as usual, he twigged it until it became, my mean is good. And i realise, it does actually make sense. Ever since i published the previous entry, distorting people's pictures again, i received several comments saying that i am mean. Haha. i think i am but, my mean is good. You see, my meanness helps others realise how extreme their faces can look and even allow them to discover their hidden potential to act insect roles or perhaps model for skin care products (the Before one). In addition, it lets certain people realise their natural talent in taking ghostly shots. See, my mean is good. But i do have a guilty conscience. So from today onwards, i promise not to upload any distorted photos of anyone. Ok? I will only upload original photos for meaningful purposes. At the very most, i will just distort and laugh in front of my own computer and my mother will say that i am siao. But that's it, i wont go any further. SO people, don avoid my Orlando like a plague alright. He's after all an innocent camera(manipulated by his owner). I did not do enough math questions to escape king kong's claws. I din know why i was so super tired yesterday that i fell asleep after completing 3 maths questions, under the basic section. And KK went around checking people's work and as much as i tried to bend my head low, she still came to me and enquired. I cooked up lousy excuses like i got a lot of things to do and blah. These are really really lousy excuses cause it just shows how poor your time management is and how artificial you are. Therefore, she told me to do some soul-searching. I was shocked a little when she said that cause it sounded rather serious. But i dont think she meant it to be THAT serious. By the way,I have always wondered why is she always wearing pregnant dresses. I dont think she's pregnant although she always hangout with the pregnant teachers club. Jiexuan and i were discussing about her pregnant dresses and how she probably used them to cover her tummy or hide a volleyball(the only game she can play)...and i figured maybe one day even her own husband might be confused if she's really pregnant. Haha.. why am i so bo liao. I haven been laughing out loud for a long long time and i'm not feeling veh good. I need to laugh. Laughter is the best thing on earth. Laughing makes you feel good and feeling good makes you a nicer person cause things dont seem as irritating and wrong anymore. You start to see things in a more positive light.Everything turns out more smoothly and people start to like you. See how amazing laugher is.. Dont believe shao shuang when she said laughing for more than 15 minutes makes you die early. that's t0tally absurd. If i dont laugh 15 minutes everyday i will really die early. How i wish they can sell laughter chocolates or laughter sweets that will make you laugh after consumption. And can you imagine that scene...then people around will be infected and laugh and the whole world starts laughing and laughing.. siao. I am looking forward to this weekend cause it's a long weekend again! I just love this year. We had so many long weekends and holidays! By the way, i was reading my earliest entries in march and april and i felt that they were quite funny. I was actually laughing at my own entries can..haha. so bo liaos again. If you haven read it, go and read. I think i have lost some of my humour somewhere and i think it's all R's fault. Now i am subconsciously censoring my frank comments. 5/18/2005Hybrid.A bug's life =) Some interesting characters... Brought to you by turnmachine.blogspot.com . . .
That's me and my birthday. *Hints loudly.
Wahlao. I only 55% normal can. This is ulta inaccurate. NEXT!
This, on the other hand, is ultra ultra accurate. I never expected to have it so exact. This name sounds like a dish. An italian dish. PATHETIC. Oh, since i always have queer dreams, i decided to try the dreams quiz. I got a shock when i saw the picture.
Rather true, but the disturbed part sounds too drama. Not true. I disturb others, i dont get disturbed.
5/17/2005Where's my umbrella?!
My mom's singing her cantonese song karaoke in the background.
If you have read the previous post, you would have realised i left my umbrella in school. To be specific, i left it in an ulu corner between those lockers in the amphi-theatre. I went to school today wanting to retrieve it. (My memory not bad one can) To my horror, (a bit drama mama) the dirty greyish purple umbrella DISAPPEARED. It's an Esprit umbrella can. I wonder who would actually want to steal my innocent and harmless umbrella who did nothing but stood there quietly for me to retrieve it. I suspect it was the cleaner who took it because some trash by the side were also removed and the whole area looked paticularly clean. I attempted to find my umbrella again by scrutinizing every cleaner's trolley, you know the one with a yellow dustbin bag and mops/brooms chucked in it. However in midst of those mops and broom sticks, i still din manage to spot my umbrella and this makes me come to another hypothesis: my umbrella is in the lost and found counter. I was too lazy to walk to the other end of the school so i din bother to try the office and it's a bit paiseh also. Maybe next time when i need the umbrella then i go ask. For the time being, it shall just remain there. Today's my 2.4km run, something everyone would dread. I dreaded it too but since i did not have a choice, i will just take in a positive stride. It did not really bother me because either way, i still fail my napfa since i only did 1 pullup that day. So i just ran for the sake of getting it over and done with and i'm very happy that i completed it within 12min plus. But you know the worst thing is what, losing count. I always lose count whenever i run around the track cause it appears the same every round and the thing is we are suppose to raise our hand at the 5th round and i was rather unsure. I dont know if i ran 4 or 5 rounds and i had to stop to ask. How loser is that. Anyway, i figured that swimming does help improve my stamina. I was able to sustain myself throughout the entire run. That's amazing. I think i can represent singapore in SEA games soon.(maybe as reserve) I was sweating like a peking duck after the run. Mrs B was sick today. She hasnt recovered from her throat infection. And we had 1.5 hours of free period. Mrs b, get well soon. Recently i bought one big packet of seaweed because i have this sudden craving for it. I still can remember how last time i used to buy small packets of seaweed at 20 cents each in my primary school. You know my primary school's food is the best. As i grew older, the food in my schools gets worst. Not to mention the current status. Then i still remember in primary school they sell this jelly which you must suck up. They come in shapes of different animals and oh yah,the pencil one! Haha.. I had so much fun in primary school. It's just play and listen to teachers' stories and remember teachers will reward when you collect 5 stars or stickers or smthn. You still remember ornot?! Oh, i was suppose to say something about seaweed.. see how much i digressed just now. I realise in per packet of seaweed, instead of the usual 4 pieces, there are only 3 pieces! Cheat monies one can. I wonder why did the manufacturer have to do such things. I dont think he is actually saving money from doing this because by only inserting 3 pieces of seaweed per packet, he would have to waste more money on packaging. He will have to waste money to buy the plastic pocket and waste labour sealing the packets. Secondly, for us the consumer, will have to waste time opening the the packets to eat the same number of pieces of seaweed as compared to last time. See how wasting is that?! Yesterday i had a queer dream again. I finished my bio tutorial and fell asleep. Guess what, i dreamt of our late president dr. wee. I dont know why in the weirdest dream i can dream of him. He was talking to me, praising how good my chemistry practical skills are. HAHA. i really dont know why. Then he showed me a video clip of dr. c teaching and said he is a very good teacher. It was an experience of a kind. You know i am very angry with canal vale secondary school(you know what am i referring to) . They din invite me back for speech day can. I everyday check mail box also dont have tt stupid invitation letter. You know how pathetic that sch is. firstly, they dont let people use air-con in the CONTAINERS. Then secondly, they scrap the book prize (for 7a1s people) because there were too many people and they could not afford to give out too many vouchers. My goodness, they think they very good can. Although i only scored a measly 7a1, it's still a good decent 7a1 ok! How can they like that, i bet next year they have to even invite those with 4a1s for stinging on their resources. Perhaps they should just scrap the whole speech day, they can save a lot i tell u. 5/16/2005O-zone problem
I'm having a cup of teh peng and chewing some crispy seaweed. Yum yum. I just came back from swimming 20 times length-wise the pool; each time is probably around 3/4 lap? I'm not too sure. But it sure does feel good after accomplishing what i set out to do, that is, to swim 20 'laps'.
Hmm.. my mother just offered me a slice of toffee apple and it tastes superb! super crunchy! I met wee this morning again because my OG has officially disppeared. heidi and kohyu still turned up though, looking as lost as ever . I learnt another new chinese word from wee which she used to describe my blog. "Su2" e.g, your blog very su2 leh! or your umbrella very su2! I figured the meaning of su2 actually emcompasses being outdated, orbit and also crappy. Haha.. i'm learning new words everyday. By the way she said my umbrella was very su2 because it was a really huge dirty greyish purple umbrella which old people normally carry around to provide extra support. But it wasnt intended because the rain suddenly poured this morning on my way to school and i was forced to use the umbrella in the car. And you know what, i hid the umbrella in some ulu corner and i forgot to bring it back! Someone remind me to get it back tmr!! Later they announce during assembly then i even more paiseh. Okok, enought of su2 stuff. Let me move on to what i want to talk about. The O-zone problem. The O-zone problem, as its name suggests, refers to the continuous depletion of the ozone layer. But no, i'm not going to talk about that. I'm not that environmentally conscious. Let me show you the scenario first.. *Adriel fiddling with his new found pimple* Me: You got wash your face? Adriel: (defendingly) Ya, of course Jared: You sure or not? Me to adriel: Why your pimples concentrate around your mouth? And then from there, i gave him a new diagnosis for his condition. It's called the O-zone problem. That's rather interesting i thought, because in usual conditions, it's called the T-zone problem where blackheads and pimples appear on the forehead to the nose, forming a T shape, that's why it's called the T-zone problem. I'm quite irritated of this T-zone problem because it seems like never-ending. No matter how much you wash your face the pimples will still appear! I guess it's because of some hormonal thing that probably disappears after some time. Dont worry adriel, it will go away soon. Be patient. I have just accumulated some bad karma again. But since I already accumulated some, let me accumulate more today and i promise to be better tomorrow. You know what, i was searching for T-zone problem and here's something really shocking i found. Haha. I thought this picture would be quite a good illustration of T-zone problem because there isn't any eyebrown which makes the pimples show more clearly. But there is something i wonder, he has hair all over his face but his eyebrowns. Strange man this person... 5/15/2005Pepsi
I realised how much pepsi meant to me.
"Pepsi lost already" my mother told me over the phone. I was shocked, too shocked to say anything. I never expected pepsi to run away or get lost. It has never occurred to me what will i ever do if pepsi were to disappear from me forever. I took pepsi for granted. Pepsi ran out from my grandmother's house and could not be found . My relatives and my mother searched all over the neighbourhood, knocking the door of every single household and every isolated corner there may be, but to no avail. They searched for one hour but pepsi could still not be found. I felt so helpless. I was alone, at home, preparing to do my forces tutorial when this news hit me. It hit me real hard, i didnt know how to react to it. I prayed hard to god, keeping my fingers crossed that pepsi could be found and that some kind-hearted soul can return pepsi to us. My tears trickled down my cheeks, i could not control my emotions. Pepsi indeed meant a great deal to me and my family. He isn't any ordinary dog. To us, pepsi has already become part of our family, like a baby brother. He cheers all of us up with his small little actions and expressions everyday. We love him so much that we could not let him go. I will always remember the first day when pepsi entered our home. My parents objected violently to having a pet dog and it was my sister and i who secretly bought the dog. Pepsi was still so tiny then. He used to cry whenever we caged him. And as time went by, my mother accepted him and even started to like him. Now, pepsi always follows her around, no matter where she go. They sleep at the same time and wake up the same time. And every morning pepsi would wake me up by licking my face and trampling around my bed. Pepsi is a weak dog. He falls sick very easily. In the middle of the night whenever he vomits or coughs, my mother would give him his medication through a small syringe and after that he would sleep so tightly. There was once, when he was about 4, he injured his leg. It was in the wee hours of the morning and there was a heavy thunderstorm. The wind was blowing so strongly that one of the lights actually fell off and pepsi, who was so frightened, ran and fell. He broke his leg after that. He went to his favourite corner under a table and cried. He wept throughout the night and could not even lie down because his leg hurt so much. But we could not do anything because it was too late then. The next morning, we sent him to the vet and did an x-ray which we discovered his leg broke. The vet wrapped a huge cast around his small leg which made him rather uncomfortable. But being the very cheerful dog he is, it did not hinder him a bit. In fact, he would proudly show us his bandaged leg whenever we return home. He still ran as fast as he normally do. Whenever anyone of us return home, the first one to greet us will be pepsi. He would wag his tail and snuggle around our legs as though the owner welcoming his guests. He is a very friendly dog indeed. Sometimes,. he is so nice that cats bully him. The stray cats aren't afraid of him and even challenged him to a fight. My aunty's dog even bit his neck during new year this year. Another painful experience. I waited for my mother to return home, hoping that pepsi would be back with her. Finally, i heard his bells. And yes, pepsi was found. I was so relieved and i thank god for letting pepsi return home safely. My mother said she had already given up hope in finding pepsi and it was my uncle was saw him while on the way home. Pepsi wandered quite a distance away. I'm really really thankful and i realised how much pepsi meant to me. I'm so happy.
YEAH! I'm so happy.
I finally got a media player in my blog! That's another milestone in my blogging career. Haha. I mean, how can a gizmo kid like me have a blog without any music! By the way the song name is Can't smile without you. I like this song very much because everytime i listen to it, i feel elated. I dont know why either. (Ya, it's the song in the tooth advert) Do you know earlier on i used Web tunes to upload this music and i tell you, dont ever use that! It contains virus can, no wonder i always see those stupid popups. Fortunately huei shan warned me about it. I also need to thank tiffy for lending me her edulearn account to upload my music. Thanks also to sean. Hahah, sean you might be wondering why am i thanking you. You know why? Because i copy the html from your blog .. haha. Now my blog looks and sounds so so different. I like it this way. YEAH!!!!!! My sister's friend went to sydney recently and bought back around 10 toffee apples for us. How nice. Oh, by the way, toffee apples are semi-green apples coated with a layer of caramel. Very very nice i tell you. It taste sour due to the unripe apple and sweet on the outside due to the caramel. It looks very appetizing too.(click on the recipe webby below to see) There are also those that are dipped in chocolate and nuts. I like this red one the best. Too bad it isn't available in singapore due to the high temperatures here. The caramel will just melt even before you open them. Maybe you can try making one yourself. The recipe. Arh, my bottom half of the entry disappeared AGAIN. Lucky i din type too much. I was saying, my house is very quiet nowadays because both my sisters are overseas. Sigh, but it's good in a sense i can have some peace. WORLD PEACE. Er yah, peace for me to do my homeowork which i owed since term started. I miss Orlando! (my camera) The straits time mentioned about blogging and defamation again in the generation Y section. Suddenly, blogging has become such a complicated issue. You cant rant what you want anymore. You can't come to conclusions anyhow...you cant do this you cant do that. You must be careful. I'm trying to be careful. Wish all of you a pleasant week ahead. I'm looking forward to june holidays! 5/14/2005Gizmo kid in Sydney
I'm a gizmo kid.
The rate i'm becoming increasingly high-tech is shocking. Overly shocking. Ok, at least to me because I've never ever in my life been able to manipulate htmls and even putting a tracker here. Kindly scroll down a little and take a look at the side bar. Do you notice a globe with an electric current icon there? Yup, that's a tracker. Wowwww. Ok, to some of you this might be outdated but to me, it's an amazing discovery. yeah. I was browsing through some blogs just now and i realise some blogs have really terrible organization and design. Next time, before you create a blog, please dont do the following, 1. Use the same colour (or even same shade) for the font and the background. If you do that, how do you expect people to read? I almost went blind trying to make out the words. 2. Have complicated navigation bars which makes it ultra difficult to navigate around your blog. Sometimes i cannot even find where's are the entries in a blog! All i see is one picture and that's it. Ok, you might say i'm outdated but then again, there are several people around like me who have a simple mind. 3. Use tiny fonts like this to write your entries. For goodness sake, you are making your fellow readers squint their eyes just to read what you are writing. Dont do that unless you are whispering your thoughts. Please be user and old-folks friendly. I admit i dont have a very attractive blog design but at the very least, it's simple and user friendly. The font size is reasonably big and the colour of the font contrasts sharply with the background design. Furthermore, you dont even have to navigate much around my blog. Once in it, you get the entries. By the way can someone teach me how to add music into the background. This silly thing kept telling me that the pluggin could not install properly! I just organised my photos in my computer just now and i realise i have loads and loads of photos! I took so many photos for the past 4 months. Partly because there were so many events happening. In my 1S03L folder alone, i have already like 100+ photos! I realised i cant live without my camera which is just as hi-tech as me. But now it's in moscow with my sister and i hope she doesnt spoil it so that my camera can return safely by my side and i can take more snapshotS!! YEAH! For the moment, i will have to settle with my camera phone is doenst produce very good quality photos. Let me give a name to my camera, let's call it Orlando. Have you withnessed a Mardi gras? I have.I saw one in sydney 2 months ago. By the way mardi gras is a gay and lesbian parade. It was really an eye-opening experience.. You should have seen how they dressed. Shocking and interesting. (see below) You know some of women did not even wear the tops... And the worst thing was my camera ran out of battery at that moment!! Wasted right. But at least i managed to capture about 20 photos before my camera really went dead. By the way, i stood there for 3 whole hours just to get a good view of the parade. The parade started at 8 but we were already standing there at 5pm. Kiasu singaporeans! (ask me to justify that) Let me take you to...(briefly) Mardi Gras'05! The young ![]() The old ![]() (look at that!) ![]() She's a he 5/13/2005Tanning Session 3
Today's my third official tanning session.
It's only considered official when there is sun and i am exposed to at least 1 hour of sun light.I know it's inauspicious to tan on friday the 13 cause who knows i might just get cooked unconsciously or choke on my own tanning oil... But i really need to cause today's the only day i am let off early and most importantly the sun is still hanging up there. Anyway, my tanning course, called TOWNS ( tan only when noone sees), includes 8 tanning sessions, each 1.5 hours with banana boat tanning oil. By the way, banana boat tanning oil smells like antibiotics but for the sake of achieving an even tan, i will have to bear with it. I'm seeing the effects though. Anyone wanna join my course? It's 100% tired and tested. No harmful effects, no gimmicks. Satisfaction guaranteed. ![]() Are you sure?! YA OF COURSE. Look, I have even got a sample specially for you ! ![]() WAh. Shocking leh! ![]() SO WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR! Joing TOWNS! 5/12/2005Back.
After abstaining from 2 days of blogging, i finally cant control myself anymore. I really need to blog. I think i should not let anyone deter me from blogging.
Personally, i think there is nothing wrong with my blog and from the first day i created it, i am prepared for people to judge it. I know there will be people who like my blog and inevitably, there will be some who will not. I am fine if you dont like it because i respect your opinion and i would also hope you can respect my views. I was annoyed when i am asked continuosly to justify what i said because i dont find the need to. If i were to justify every single thing i write, i think that defeats the purpose of a blog and i think it is totally senseless. Why not you justify why you came here in the first place. This is my blog and hence, i am justified. That's it. I'm not going to bother about this anymore. By the way, thanks to all those who stood at my side and helped my defend this innocent blog. I am going to carry on blogging the way i always do. HAHA! I will put more unjustified remarks and more violent, more abusive materials! WAHAH! (I can hear the applause.) This is so fun. Irritating people like the way they irritate me. Come visit my blog everyday R. I bet you will enjoy my blog cause it provides a venue for you to ask me for justifications (which i will delete). I welcome all of you here. I've learnt to take things with a pinch of salt. I wonder why people can actually be so extremely disturbed by jokes. This really makes me laugh my head off. Imagine someone who frowns and gets so disturbed by every single minute little things like dropping a strand of hair or even when listening to a joke. How sad. Fortunately, i'm not like that. If i were like that i will jump down the building straight away. Alright alright, i promise not to tease such losers again. Back to today. Today's a rather slow moving day, having 4 hours of chemistry with 3 hours of dr chan on high mode. He's really happy today and he cracked so many jokes, of which many i dont find it funny. I have a more mature sense of humour can. You know my dog has been hiding under the bed the whole day. He did not even come out to show his face can. By the way, i realise i haven introduced my dog. He is Pepsi, a brown pomeranian. He's a handsome dog, really. Unfortunately, he's still single until now. He's single for 6 years already. Pepsi was my birthday present when i was primary 5 from my eldest sister. He's an australian dog who can understand hokkien, chinese and english. Oh yah, you know why he has been hiding the whole day? Cause he secretly peed in the kitchen and my mother's fuming. Usually every morning he will rush out to follow me to school but today, he did not. Pepsi's photogenic. Really. After abstaining from 2 days of blogging, i finally cant control myself anymore. I really need to blog. I think i should not let anyone deter me from blogging. Personally, i think there is nothing wrong with my blog and from the first day i created it, i am prepared for people to judge it. I know there will be people who like my blog and inevitably, there will be some who will not. I am fine if you dont like it because i respect your opinion and i would also hope you can respect my views. I was annoyed when i am asked continuosly to justify what i said because i dont find the need to. If i were to justify every single thing i write, i think that defeats the purpose of a blog and i think it is totally senseless. Why not you justify why you came here in the first place. This is my blog and hence, i am justified. That's it. I'm not going to bother about this anymore. By the way, thanks to all those who stood at my side and helped my defend this innocent blog. I am going to carry on blogging the way i always do. HAHA! I will put more unjustified remarks and more violent, more abusive materials! WAHAH! (I can hear the applause.) This is so fun. Irritating people like the way they irritate me. Come visit my blog everyday R. I bet you will enjoy my blog cause it provides a venue for you to ask me for justifications (which i will delete). I welcome all of you here. I've learnt to take things with a pinch of salt. I wonder why people can actually be so extremely disturbed by jokes. This really makes me laugh my head off. Imagine someone who frowns and gets so disturbed by every single minute little things like dropping a strand of hair or even when listening to a joke. How sad. Fortunately, i'm not like that. If i were like that i will jump down the building straight away. Alright alright, i promise not to tease such losers again. Back to today. Today's a rather slow moving day, having 4 hours of chemistry with 3 hours of dr chan on high mode. He's really happy today and he cracked so many jokes, of which many i dont find it funny. I have a more mature sense of humour can. You know my dog has been hiding under the bed the whole day. He did not even come out to show his face can. By the way, i realise i haven introduced my dog. He is Pepsi, a brown pomeranian. He's a handsome dog, really. Unfortunately, he's still single until now. He's single for 6 years already. Pepsi was my birthday present when i was primary 5 from my eldest sister. He's an australian dog who can understand hokkien, chinese and english. Oh yah, you know why he has been hiding the whole day? Cause he secretly peed in the kitchen and my mother's fuming. Usually every morning he will rush out to follow me to school but today, he did not. Pepsi's photogenic. Really. Here's one of my favourite. ![]() 5/10/2005Defamation and Free Speech
I expected this to happen sometime.
By the way, if you happen to leave a note somewhere in this entry, please leave your name. Dont just leave it annoymous cause firstly, i dont know who to address to if i want to make a reply and secondly, take responsibility for your own words. Please dont sneak around my blog. I'm feeling guilty for having such an evil mouth and i'm sorry for tt. If you cant tolerate, this is not a place for you. Sometimes i wonder if i am commiting defamation in my entries. Sorry to those whom i targetted, like may. I read up on the defamation laws and here is what it says... The basic idea of defamation law is simple. It is an attempt to balance the private right to protect one's reputation with the public right to freedom of speech. Defamation law allows people to sue those who say or publish false and malicious comments. There are two types of defamation. * Oral defamation -- called slander -- for example comments or stories told at a meeting or party. * Published defamation -- called libel -- for example a newspaper article or television broadcast. Pictures as well as words can be libellous. I think i committed the second one, libel. But then again, it isn't totally defamation cause there is such thing called Freedom of speech. What i mentioned in my entries are true. Furthermore, they are just my personal opinions. These 2 reasons itself is suffice to put off any defamation suit. It also says There are numerous threats of defamation. Most of them are just bluffs; nothing happens. Even so, often a threat is enough to deter someone from speaking out, or enough to make them publish a retraction. Haha. Anyway, i will still keep my blog the way it is. I like it like this. But of course, i will now be more careful. My blog is meant to be a happy place. Am i thinking too much? Today was napfa and i did one pull up unfortunately. This upgrades my status from 0-pullup club to 1-pullup club. In future, i will be able to an a S to become a 2-pullupS club member. Consequently to 3 pullups and there! I pass my pullups! I am sick and tired of everyone trying to give me advice like they know better 5/09/2005Sorry if i spoilt your shaver
I just came back from a haircut. Feel so hips now. Haha.. after seeing zhi xiang in his hipster hairstyle, i felt that i should not lose out so i went for a haircut too.
Actually that's not the real reason larh, the reason is because tomorrow we are taking class photo! And furthermore the weather is fervid. It was a very interesting esperience. I mean, the haircut. First, the electronic shaver which the stylist used kept breaking down. It kept getting stuck!! You know i felt so embarrassed because it makes me feel as though my hair is like a bale of hay. Ok, it is a bale of hay. I wonder why my once cotton-soft hair has evolved into such dry, frizzy, grass-like hair. Ok, at least mine is better than tze who admits that she feels as though she's carrying weed on her head when she's walking. I was closing my eyes when the hair dresser cut my hair and i can imagine a gardener holding a huge scissors cutting the weeds of a terribly overgrown field. Ok, i dont think it's as bad as it sounds. My hair is great! Today was bully-may-all you-want day. We kept bullying May until she almost went mad. We even gave her a new name! Guess !!! Cao bao. Yups, cao3 bao1 which means grass bag literally. May's face really makes my imagination run wild. If she were to collate a list of names we gave her, i think the list will overflow soon. But May's attitude was really bad. She went hysterical when we made fun of her and kept threatening to change class. But in fact, that's the fun part. WAHAHA!! Ok, May i promise to give to some peace k. Like now.. when you're reading this. Today lowell was armed with a camera too, taking secret snapshots of everybody, including ME! ARh. how can you. we are allies! Had a great time today bullying people and talking out of point topics. Kannan was another funny story. I think he really felt a great deal of angst in him when we keep teasing him.(kannan dont blAck list me!) And you know shao shuang was so angry today because we said kannan badmouth her(he didn;t). This shuangs arh, dont see her judo one cans, she has quite a weak heart. Just joking larh. Recently a lot of people commented that i am being really evil by uploading their distorted photos here.. *controlling my laughter* And i personally also think so, but in fact i already tried to minimize the number of people's face being uploaded. And because of this, i think people dont dare to let me take their photos anymore..haha! Okok, i promise not to be so evil ks. But by popular demand, i may still occassionally do tt. But please please dont run away when i want to take your photo cause i really do keep an album of ORIGINAL photos. Tessie the friendly ghost visited me today and said that i am invading her privacy when i upload her photos, in that ghostly tone as usual. But then again, tessie, i never distort your photo what. Some people just have this celeb face larh.. like may lah..tessie. And for once, i'm controlling my fingers to click on photoshop. I hear a sigh of relief from may. Recently i found 2 palm top in my house plus my uncle just gave me one casio PDA. I managed to find all the loose parts and i'm using a palm top! High tech sia. Actually the casio PAD my uncle gave me had more functions like distionary and windows media player(it's like a mini com) but the design is rather bulky and outdated. How can a hipster like me use that.. So i used my palm top which is much more compact and professional. I dont need a notebook anymore! Have you ever gone for a spa? I havent, and i feel like going for one when i start earning my first pay. Talking about SPA. Today's physics spa is not any normal spa noe.. It's a test of how-well you-can-hear-chu-lin spa. Special sia.. I have never ever in my life taken such an exam before. Being a amateur at such exams, naturally i din do very well because as hard as i tried to strain my ears to hear chulin, i still missed out on what he said because i went out to put my handphone when he was talking. I din know you have to use the ruler with a B at the back. I merely followed zhewang who used the white ruler and i guess he got it wrong too. People, open your ears wide! listen to chulin!! I can see my web counter hitting 1000 soon. I still remembered last time i said i wanted 1000 in 5 days... anyways, guest no. 1000 please leave a note k. Just want to see who is the lucky one. If you see 1000 at the counter below, means you are guest number 1000 alright? By the way, tomorrw's napfa. I hope i can pass my pullups. If i can pass that then everything should be smooth-sailing. God bless me tmr! 5/08/2005Lord of The Dance
It was a splendid performance.
Today, we went to celebrate mothers' day. We had dim sum at hotel continental in bugis junction. The place was bustling with activities with many ang mohs dining at the hall and there was a live band with a very good singer. She was singing I'm at the top of the world while i walked past. I also spotted several national basketball players from korean and some other countries. They were really tall. Felt like dwarfs beside them. After a very sumptuous lunch, we proceeded to Kallang theatre. The show was great especially when they did the tap dance . It was clean , crisp and clear. It was just majestic. But it could be better if the stage could be bigger. I think everybody enjoyed the performances except my mother who insists that the performance she watched during her cruise was better. I really dont understand her. How can a 20 dollar concert be compared to a 150 dollars one?! The concert lasted for around 2 hours and i felt that the ending of the show was the best. I like the last song the best too. That reminded me of the last time when rvcb played that song. I bought 2 posters at $2 cause i could not afford to buy the other items. My sister wanted to buy the CD but it was expensive (50 bucks!) so my mother told her not to. They sold t-shirts too but the colours makes me puke. They had purple coloured shirt and green singlet with the words Lord of the dance printed plainly in New times roman, black. By the way, that ang moh salesman had an extremely bad attitude. He gave me 2 torn posters which obviously was unacceptable! So i pointed out to him. Instead of helping me, he gave me an annoyed look and threw the posters on the floor..Reluctantly, he picked out another 2 posters and gave me a rubber band to tie the posters myself. Ok, fine. . Anyways, i dont care about that. I should really begin on my homework. Tomorrow's physics spa which i just realised after reading may's blog. I think blogs are great. They keep you updated and reminds you of things you might forget. I think Blogging has made me more aware of the world around me. I think that's what B-jie is trying to make us be. MORE AWARE OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU. 5/07/2005BBQ
Finally, i have got the time to sit down here in front of the computer to blog about today.
I was essentially doing nothing in the morning but sleep, eat, watch TV. It's a vicious cycle. After eating, you sit in front of the TV and watch and after that you feel like sleeping. When you're awake, you feel hungry and there you go eating and this cycle carries on and on until i realise, I HAVE TO STOP MY NONSENSE. My bag remained zipped until now. Why am i not doing my homework! I want to be a mugger. Anyways, i want to sidetracks abit. The television programmes on channel 8 on saturday afternoons and friday nights sucks. Can they please stop showing those ching chong chung ching warrior shows... The most irksome thing is the theme song, which is usually sang by a very dramatic male singer or a very high pitched female singer. Upon witnessing such obscene things, i will frantically search for my remote control to change to the next better channel. This is bad. Friday nights and saturday afternoons are times when people are free to watch the TV and they show this kind of things. How entertaining sia. Back to today. I went for a family BBQ just now to sort of celebrate mothers' day. My uncles and aunties came down just now to blue horizon. It was ok i thought, but i just did not get the chance to swim cause the sun set already. I only swim when there is sun. Actually BBQ is quite troublesome if you dont know how to set the fire. We had bbq mussels, squids, beef, chicken wings, taiwan saussage, etc etc. I love mussels! Esp bbq-ed cause it taste really good and it's easy to eat when it's dried. It tastes even better when you dip it in garlic-chilli-lime sauce. I talked to my cousins just now. And we had a fun time taking photos because my cousin, fairli poh, kept avoiding my camera like most of you do. So in the end, i had to take secret snap shots of her such as behind a tree and behind a pillar. You know why she kept hiding.. cause she did a horrible makeup out of her face. Reminds me of my idol ru-hua. In order to show clearly what she has done to her face, i was forced to crop her picture and zoom in. She threatened me to put my distorted photo as her blogskin if i uploaded her photo here. Not bad whats, i dont know why you keep hidings too. Tomorrow's Mothers' Day. woohoo~! I wish all Mothers in the world a very pleasant mothers' day. I have not made anything for my mother and i dont know what to make or buy either. Tomorrow we are going to eat lunch together as a family and then watch Lord of The Dance! I'm sure it would be a splendid performance. 150 dollars a ticket. It's expensive but i think it will be worthwhile. 5/06/2005I am strong.
I just popped a lychee mochi into my mouth. It tastes great! I think other than the green tea flavoured mochi, this is my second favourite. The lychee mochi. Go try k.
I'm feeling good bacause everything turned out so pleasantly today and today's short-day. Was rather reluctantly to go for PE initially, after thinking about the 2.4km run, followed by some fitness workout. But after some battle with my self conscience, i decided not to pon lah. In fact, i always say pon but in the end i still go ones. This can only prove one point, that is, i am a model student. Anyways, you know, my weird habit of me saying i want to pon this and that has given me quite a bad name. I mean now people get the impression that i am a ponner, or rather a very uncommited student. But in fact, i did not truly pon anything before. Oks, that's not the point. You know PE was good today, because instead of the usual 6 rounds, i only ran 2 rounds! 2 shocking rounds! The reason, other people were doing their 2.4 NAPFA test and we were hogging the track. And good for me who ran slowly because i was called in just in time to stop. Those faster runners were on their way for the 3rd round, while i cleverly stopped at my 2nd round and strolled in to take a sip of water. Afterwhich, we did shuttle run and then i went to practise pull up which gave me another shocking discovery. I CAN DO PULL UPS!!! (note the S) I can not only do pull-up, but i can do pull-upS. Shocking asians. That's really quite amazing considering i can do 0 last time. Ok,i better stop hao-lianing in case the next time i cant do then really throw face can. Go 0-PUC (zero pull up club) members.. Try harder. I believe you can do it. Remember our motto, We will always be there to support you. (pun intended) Then i played volleyball for awhile. I must start to play little by little in case my arms swell like the last time. Volley is fun although i'm not really good at it. I'm begining to see potential in myself can. I bet nanny may will envy my volleyball skills next time. Talking about nanny may, she's really funny. Funny as in, fun to bully. WAHAH. Mich low and I really love to bully nanny may. Erm, if you dont know, aunty may= nanny may. Her sudden upgrade in generation status is due to her ah-ma like hair style which i caught her in today. You dont believe me is it, i show you. ![]() Nanny May Taken in 1965 I wanted to go for Sun-tanning session 3 today but it rained. I finally found one weekday where i can go home early to sun tan then it rained. In the ends, i just went online to do some bo-liao things. I just din want to go to the library. Told you, i am abstaining from that place. Just now, I was attempting to find a proper way to upload photos such that you lazy people dont need to click on the link to view it. And guess whats. I FOUND IT!! Woohoo! Congrats man. I found a way to upload photos!! Sometimes i just cant stand how high-tech i can get. Who knows in a year later i might just get some nobel prize in computing or blog designing.. Oh yah, to sua gu people like liching (look who's talking), to upload photo rights, go to photobucket.com and sign up. Then they will give you a nice html which you can just cut and paste it here. FREE and EASY. Better than tt silly imagehosting or imageshack. I have finally made my way to Jin ma jiang. A very prestigious hongkong-china star awards. They commended me on my fabulous acting skills which made me very very happy. I even made friends with andy lau can. He said i looked a lot like him. But i dont think so larh, he keep insisting.. Sammi cheung said i had a flair for acting and is requesting that i co-star with her in her upcoming movie. I'm considering whether i should accept her offer condering how much work i need to catch up in school. School work is definitely top priority now. Oh yah, i took a photo of andy that day. Doesnt he look like some beautex tissue ambassodor here? 5/05/2005Toilet Conversation.
Adriel and I went in search for 2 adjacent, nice, clean toilet cubicles to bang sai before we change into our SYF uniform. However, we rejected 2 storeys of toilets because of the following reasons:
1)Someone was shitting and was too stink 2) No toilet paper 3)Lock Spoil 4) Shit left unflushed All these constitutes to a non-conducive shitting environment which then made us walk another storey up. And tada! There were 2 clean and nice adjacent cubicles for us to use! Then all that toilet conversation began. (in midst of shitting) Me: Are you done? How many percent left? Adriel: 40% 3 seconds remaining.. Me: Ok. I'm done Adriel: Download completed. That's Part I of toilet conversation. Part II Me: Are you changing? *thunderous vibration Me: Are you ok? Adriel: The toilet door broke open Me: *giggles * CRAAACK Me: What happen again?! Adriel: My hanger broke Me: Your cubicle got earthquake is its.. While i thought everything was back to normal, natural disaster continue to hit adriel's jinxed cubicle. He experienced a tsunami. But this time, the tsunami was man-made. He thought me how to create a fake tsunami effect in the cubicle. It's simple. Essentially, you just need to flush the toilet bowl and give a fading shriek. Ok, you might not think it's funny but you really have to experience it or rather try it yourself ok. I received some presents today and i think they were really great. Patrick made a very nice glittery bottled paper weight with a plastic horse inside. I thought that was really creative and probably took up quite a lot of effort. Another nice present was the one from Liane and angel. It was a golden box with stars on it was really cool. In it were golden-wrapper chocolates and a gold-black friendship band, giving me an illusion of opening a treasure box. That was really unique i thought. Thanks brid and gang for that nice, practical fan which i will probably bring to school and use. Thanks to bryan-n who actually wrote a note for the whole section! You know at the rate i'm using the words can, sia and adding a S to every word, my GP essay is going to fail quite terribly. I'll probably have so many grammar mistakes all over the paper until she has to mark me by circling the correct words instead of the wrong ones. Later you see a red patch on B-jie's pink or blue shirt because she probably vomitted blood while marking my essay. Eh, but who knows she might change she way of speaking. HAHA!! Imagine her saying CAN or SIA after every phrase.. That would be how funny can. By the way, my malaysian accent is improving day by day. Why nobody leave notes ones. I feel like i'm talking to myself can. And arh, i realise you all veh lazy can. Everytime i upload photo you dont bother to click on the link one right. Click on it can. I can't find a programme to upload clear and life-size images larh, so far my level of technology stucks at only being able to upload through free image hosting sites which means i can only insert thumbnails and you have to click on the link to see! Since like nobody see i think i dont upload so many photos, waste my time. Wish all of you a great weekend ahead. Fan Club
The previous entry was a little grouchy, sorry for that. I had too much angst that i needed some kind of outlet.
Have you ever set up a Fan Club before? It's kind of troublesome i realised. Firstly, you need to recruit members, next you need to set up some kind of network for efficient communications. Then for the more devoted fans, you need to come up with a design for the Fan Club t-shirt. You know all these takes a long time. Anyways, recently, i set up a Fan club for my favourite teacher in school. She's Ms Wee. She has a very good sense of humour which makes every lesson so ever interesting and her reactions which are so comical and unexpected, never fails to make me laugh my head off. Today, the fan club comprising of me mich jared lowell leeying and jiexuan, have taken a milestone in our career as Ms Wee's fans. We took a photo with her!! That's ultra exciting. Can you imagine taking photo with Nicole kidman or Jennifer Lopez? It's exactly the same feeling. I need to get her signature the next time round. By the way, for your viewing pleasure, i decided to upload this Fan club photo. Ms Wee really made bio more interesting and i must say she is also a good teacher because i understand the topics better every time she goes through with us. that's very amazing compared to teachers like chulin whose voice makes me drowsy. And i was thinking of creating a Fan Club t-shirt for ms wee. How about that? (I must admit the editing skills not very good. I wanted to make andy lau wear it but i could not find his photo. So i just use paint to do a simple yet effective design. ) You know as very loyal fans, we even do that stylish fans-like sway in class whenever ms wee cracks a joke, no matter if it is not funny at all. The rationale :to encourage, motivate and assure her that her joke is funny so she can be more self-confident about cracking jokes in future. Now you know how loyal fans like us can get. Alrighty. Let's talk about today and tomorrow. Before that, can i just say something. Huay woon is a nut. Ok, i feel better now. Anyways, today is the last prac before SYF tmr. Let's hope that we can get Gold with Honours, plus Presentation and carry on our legacy as Top BAND! WOOHOO!! So excitings. Hope thirds can be pleasantly in tune k. Good luck to everyone. Oh yah, i'm missing school tomorrow! Dont be jealous. Oh, let's talk about yesterday too, i missed out something. Let me keep you updated about some recent happenings in our vicinity.(HOT GOSSIPS! FRESH FROM THE OVEN) You know yesterday one boy got slapped by a cyclist along the route to j8. Poor thing sia. Dont laugh! That cyclists fell off his bike i think when the boy accidentally. He got so furious cause he suffered some MINOR scratches and he slapped the boy and used some twigs to abuse that boy.(i'm exaggerating) What a Twid that cyclist is. Blame it on his own lousy and reckless cycling! Why take it out on that innocent boy whom i believe really ACCIDENTALLY knocked onto him. I feel so unjust for that boy because he merely kept quiet and stood there while tt cyclist continue to abuse him. Now, that puts me wondering, if i were in his shoes, what would i do? Or rather, what would you do? a) Shout back at the cyclist and beat him up b) Ride his bicycle and escape c) Run to the nearest security gaurd or police post d) Run frantically without knowing where to go e) Flag a taxi and flee! f) Push the cyclist onto the road I think i will push him aside and escape. That's the best i can do i guess. Maybe i will run into the MRT and give him funny face cause he cant get in since he doesnt have an EZ link card. HAHA..that would be so exciting. Or i will flag a taxi, lock the door and laugh at him. I din mean to be so mean. I think my blog is slowly evolving into some tabloid.
5/03/20055/02/2005Some Funny snapshots.
Before i proceed uploading pictures, let me tell you what i did today ok?
I went swimming, again. But today, apart from sun tanning and swimming, i went to the steam room. Tanning wasn't successful because all the tanning seats were taken up and i had to just stand around in the swimming pool hoping some rays might fall on me. I went there around 3 which means that the sun is blocked again. Next time i go at 12, make sure the sun is overhead me. Oh yah, talking about the steam room. The steam room i went just now was rather different from the normal ones where the entire place is made of wood and you have to put water into the burning-hot pebbles to create your steam manually. The steam room, was really a room. A room with 4 walls and 2 attached bench. It was made of ceramics and the steam mysteriously comes out from the bottom. Upon opening the door to the steam room, you will be flushed with steam and your view is so blurred that you might just think everything's a dream. Alright, i almost got cooked inside. My skin turned red like how a prawn gets cooked. You can breathe well because if you breathe through your nose, it feels terribly hot and if you breathe through ur mouth, it feels very wet. Perhaps i'm just not used to it but it is said to open up your pores and exfoliates your skin, leaving you with a healthy skin. Anyways, i came out within 5 minutes and i understand how a piece of char siew feel inside a steamer now. Oks. That basically what i did today ks. I did my PI today! YEAH. Finally got it over, hope it doesnt get rejected or i will really vomit blood. Snapshots begin right here.. Kar-toong (cartoon) A picture speaks a thousand words can. (http://img82.echo.cx/img82/9273/tess5nw.jpg) Stop hiding tessie. You cant hide!
![]() This one you must not miss! Once in a lifetime thing k. I know i'm putting myself at risk of being killed by putting this image. Please click on the link to see it better. Tze, please avoid seeing or just skip to the next photo. |