7/31/2005I've found the answer.
Recently i have bothered about some things people say. I thought about it, slept over it but still unable to figure out why. And i've finally found the answer.
I went to new creation church today. By the way i dont go there everyweek because my mum says it's too troublesome and insists that we go to her church instead. It's true, because before you go in, you have to wait for around 45 mins queuing. So everytime you go to suntec on sunday and there's a long long queue, it's new creation church. However, i insisted to go there today because i knew i would get my answer there. Indeed, i got it and i'm feeling so much better! It's really worth while going there, despite the queue. I've learnt many things but the most importantly one is not to hate anyone but release your love to everyone around you. God loved me first and i have to like the people around me. Even if i am angry at anyone, i should just forgive him because he will be dealt with eventually. I believe in god's love. And i decided, to change. I dont want to be benjamean anymore, not even a single bit ok. I am going to be more gracious, in general, nicer. But i need time because being mean has more or less become a habit. You know? Habit? Habit is a special word. H A B I T. You take away the H, you still get ABIT. You take away the A, you still have this little BIT. You take away the B, you still have IT there. That's why i need time. And please take jared away. He always instigate me to be mean. Ok, enough before it becomes too drama and unbelievable. I will not suan liching about her mongolian bus aunty hairstyle or eunice about her ultra dark eye circles that no amount of SK2 can help. I will not laugh at mrs kong looking like a tamagochi. I will not laugh at you min for looking at an aunty anymore. Believe me ok. And please remind me whenever i lapse into the wrong mode. My handphone's spoilt. I think it spoilt because i dropped it on the floor too many times. The phone switches off by itself automatically and i realise my phone has a trade in value of 240 dollars. Not bad sia, maybe i will change a new phone. Currently i will have to make do with the small bug-like made in china phone which is very difficult to manipulate. I take like 5 minutes to send one message. So dont be shocked if you see blood stains on the screen. Yesterday my ou xiang broke guiness world record by completing the marathon around the track. He wheeled around the track for dont know how many hundred rounds to raise funds for cancer teens. See, i better learn from him. I wanted to buy the t-shirts but it's sold out so too bad. I really admire him ok, i think i would have gotten too giddy wheeling around the same track... Sigh, i'm slacking too much. Tomorrow's SPA and i have not done anything so far. PW's irritating me because i cannot find articles for my EOM. Please, if anyone happen to come across any article on recycling or japan/singapore waste disposal system anywhere, please tell me. PLEASE. I'm begging you. Save me from all the hassle. WA. LAO. EH. I mean, wa, what a nice weekend eh? 7/29/20057/28/2005You cant say mean things to me.
Before that, let me back-track a little.
2 entries ago, it was Guest-blogging by my cousin, Fairli. Those of you who bothered to visit her blog, it's pathetic, isnt it? I think she used paint to design it. Well, i quite like that entry which she wrote for me and thank you. I blogged for her in one entry too. It's a blog-exchange programme, who wants to employ me for guest-blogging? You dont have to blog for me. Anyway i wouldnt want too many guests blogging for me or this will really be a rojak blog. The previous entry was Fried Pimples and i find it quite nice, quite nice right? So i classified under my MUST READ entries at the side-bar. Yesterday was supposed to be a short short day but it lengthened due to band practice and i went home at 8.40, missed 10 minutes of superstar. Somehow, i feel that i'm not as enthusiastic about band anymore as compared to during my secondary school days. Maybe it's because i live too far from school so i aint very glad about staying for band. Last time i could stay till 6 plus and simply take like 10 minutes(now the time X6) to return home. Things are different. I always hear people saying jc life is this and that and i'm sick of saying it all over again. In essence, things are rather different. Not totally different, just different. That's all. But i'm pretty much the same. I'm still the same me. The one who speaks loads of rubbish. The irritating person who insults others anyhow, anytime, anywhere. And I always hear people say i'm mean. I agree, i'm mean. But i think it's funny! If i'm not mean, i'm not funny anymore. Perhaps that's the reason why some people say mean things to me. I dont know if it is said out of fun though but naturally i dont enjoy hearing that. I think i'm a nutcase. I'm behaving as though i escaped from wood bridge. I dont want to like that because people dont treat me seriously. It's not a bad thing but it's kind of annoying when you try to say something serious and people laugh at you. It's has always been a long term battle trying to balance between seriousness and wittiness. I'm 99% mad and 1% serious. I want to be a doctor next time, if i continue to be like that i will have 0 patient. That's sad ok. But you cant say mean things to me I like to be mean, purely because i think it's funny. I say mean things to others but i limit my words to prevent hurting anyone. I know when i'm going over board. It's a skill. If you dont know how to be mean yet funny, please shut your mouth. I hate it when people try to be funny and say something mean to another person. It's extremely annoying and i have seriously low tolerance for that. If you are not funny, shut up. Your opinions doesnt matter at all so keep them to yourselves. It's hard to continue. It's hard to say out everything when you know people are reading it. Actually it isnt anything significant, really. Sometimes i over interprete. Take it as if i'm being drama. Dont worry, it has nothing to do with you. this part of the entry is written due to a collection of small little events. I am not petty I wont get angry over my friends because they know me and whatever they say are said in the name of fun, so i will never be angry over them. I will only get frustrated over those kpo people who try to be funny and say mean things because i dont think it is a single bit humourous. I hope i can wrap all of them up and explode them. Period. ____ Today i witness another tragedy. A very blur sparrow flew into the lab, hit the wall and fell out. I thought the drama would have ended there until it flew back in and landed on the white board ledge. Inverted, mouth-opened. Poor sparrow. Fortunately, it did not die, it passed out i guess. DrC brought it out of the class room and it disappeared. I reckoned kannan stole the bird and hid it in his gray nike bag. He said he wanted to cook curry with the bird and i believed him. He's getting very sinful nowadays. People bird already poor thing enough to bang the wall, he still took advantage of the fact and stole it. I mean, how much curry can you cook out of the bird?! By the time you take off the feathers, there is nothing left already! Sigh, kannan. Talking about kannan, (i think his heart is beating very fast now, because whenever your name appears here, most likely it isnt a good thing), sometimes i can empathise with him. Being the only indian boy in the class, he receives quite abit of discrimination. Speaking about racial harmony. The worst thing is i always join in. But you dont see he like okok like tt hor, i think sometimes he quite sad one (i feel larh). Kannan, is it? Just leave a note here and i will stop, seriously. I'm giving you a chance to express your unjust. Anyway, kannan's a very nice person, really. I think i must learn how to be more tolerant like him. ![]() 7/26/2005It's a blackhead. No, it's pimple!
I have always been troubled by this inflamed red patch on my forehead, in between my eye browns. It's really irritating because it just wont go away no matter what i do! IT JUST WONT CLEAR!
The worst thing is i dont even know what it is! I am still figuring whether is it acne, blackheads or pimple. So what i normally do is that i put clearasil pimple cream and acne cream simultaneously. Come to think of it, maybe the reason why it doesnt heal is because i mixed the cream together. But then i seriously dont know if those are acne or pimples!! These terms seem very confusing at the moment. I went to do a slight research on what are they. Blackhead Kannan, when viewed from the top. HAHA, not true arh, i'm just joking ok. Can you imagine seeing lots of kannan's heads on your face. ARH! Halleluiah! Anyway, I searched the web awhile and i got: An open, noninflammatory acne lesion (black spots the size of a pinhead). Acne Acne, a term used for complexion problems - pimples, zits, blackheads, and so on, is one of the most common of all skin problems. It affects most teenagers to some degree and even many adults. Acne shows up as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and, in some people, deep painful bumps that look and feel like boils. Acne most commonly occurs on the face but can also appear on the back, chest, shoulders, and neck. Lastly, pimples. Arh, forget it, you all should know what is it since almost all of you keep a few of them on your face. Some of you even cultivate a whole culture of them on your face. So you cannot laugh at me because you are also a victim. Dont lie ok, i know you have. Now, instead of teasing each other, let's work hand in hand to destroy those punk asses on our faces. And while photoshop can help you clear them temporarily, it isnt a long term solution. Anyway, before we begin the battle, we need to identify them. First and foremorst, identify the patch on your face where red spots prosper. Like this: ![]() Ok, got it? Let's move on.. [warning: from here onwards, the content is highly disturbing to some. If you have a weak heart, refrain from viewing] Get ready in hand, a frying pan. Dont use the non-stick one please, because we cant identify blackheads using non-stick pans, later you'll see. So, hurry, get a pan! ![]() Heat up the pan to around 88 degrees (a very auspicious number hor). Once temperature reaches 88 degrees, immediately, without hesitation, STICK YOUR FACE TO THE PAN!! LIKE THIS! ![]() OUCH! While head is in pan, notice the following results: A: Pimple Pan sizzles, sizzles and sizzles non-stop. Pop sounds might be observed occassionally. Once no further sounds are heard, done. Lift head up. B: Black head You will realise your face feels stuck to the pan. Try pulling the pan apart and once successfully done, white spots appear on the pan. (black heads). If you use non stick pan, the pan will not stick to your face and the experiment wont be accurate. C: Acne Pus start to flow uncontrollably. Watch out: Extremely disgusting.end product looks like an omelette. Note: Wash pan thoroughly after use, ban children under 10 from watching. And after the experiment's done, lift your head up, take a deep breath and tada! Done! ![]() Now that you have identified your problem, seek proper treatment such as putting on the right cream for the right spots. Dont use acne cream for pimples and vice versa! PS According to the ministry of health, the above experiment is highly dangerous and abusive to oneself. So, DONT TRY THIS AT
HOME! 7/25/2005Guest blogging
I AM BEN'S CUZ NOT BEN!! hahaha.. ok yess im gonna blog about MY day.. well it started off witha racial harmony presentation irritating.. ok.. and mdmZ gave cammie(MY CAM) back to me yes.. if u dunno.. i lost my wallet on sat.. and I FOUND IT!!! it was on the OHP laa.. i think i was using the ohp as mirror den accidentally left it there.. hahaha.. after sch.. went bandroom eat oreos.. u might be wondering.. why band room.. its cause SIR always buys us food for break.. so sweet rite? dun be jealous.. hahaha.. as i was saying.. he buys food for us and there is always TOO MUCH so have alot of food.. so i go there take.. AS I LOST MY WALLET the finding part is after i ate and stuff.. and den my mom fecthed me.. went topayoh.. i was walking up the stairs with cammie.. as i was getting ready to PB(photo blog) and i realize smt.. the stair is actually a very very dangerous place.. its looks like the typical televison CRIME SCENE
Deliberately blurred to keep anonymous status. 7/24/2005Call me lazy
I'm getting lazy. I mean, i've always been lazy. Take for example today, i had the whole day to do whatever i want.. THE WHOLE DAY, but i ended up eating and sleeping. (it's part of power programme). I ate mee soto. I ate fried beehoon. I ate potato chips. I ate saseme paste. I ate almond desert. I ate amos chicken drumstick. Then i slept.
All i did throughout the entire weekend is 2 chemistry tutorial questions. Someone slap me now. Slap me tight in the cheeks to wake me up now! (ok, just joking larh) Must i wait until i do badly for everything before i wake up? (Worse still, do badly still continue to laze). Arh, benjamin u just watch out ok. Anyway, this blog entry is dedicated to a cheena man i met in the coffee shop today. It was just a very very insignificant encounter, but i think it's quite funny. You see, i was having breakfast in the coffee shop this morning with my grandma. And when my granny went off to the toilet, i was left alone eating my mee soto. Suddenly i realise i'm always left alone eating one can. WHY LIKE TT?! Anyway, as i was saying, i was left alone eating mee soto and a china man in a black aw piao sling bag approached me. He was mumbling some hokkien or teochew (whatever) language which i could hardly decipher. He was asking if i want to know my fortune. I was quite taken aback because i would never expect a fortune teller to approach me. In addition, i'm still so young can. I look superstitious is it? Or i look like from china so he found me familiar? ARH. Better not ok. I shook my head profusely trying to shoo him off. Then he said my life's extraordinary. HAHA, what a pleasant surprise early in the morning! Of course, i dont believe. How extraordinary can i get. Superman arh? Oh, i know, spiderman. He probably read my entry and thought i was indeed spiderman. CRAP. Anyway, i dont have money to entertain him. So i shouted at him, "wo mei you qian!!!" Say is say like that. I never shout. I told him nicely ok. Give him some face, furthermore i dont want to end up fighting in the coffee shop early in the morning. Haha! And he walked away to find another potential prey. Sometimes, i wonder why everytime got this kind of people approach me. I look very cheatable is it?! WHY?! That day i was walking to botanics and a man who claim to be lost asked me for a dollar to take bus home. And another boy who lost his phone asked to borrow mine to find his friend. And phone surveyers always call my home. WHY?! Why do i get all these shit. Why only i help people, people never help me. People approach me for money but no one approach to give me money. Sigh, what an extraordinary life i have. the fortune-teller's right. 7/21/2005HEADLINES
I passed my Napfa test 2005. Thank you.
That's something to wow about ok. But before that, i need to thank my PE teacher, Mr siva. Thanks alot alot alot. Firstly, i must thank him for counting my rojak kalipok pullups. My pull ups are definitely not the standard ones because i did not straighten my arms fully. If i did, i would have failed. And yes, thank you for your co operation so that i can pass my pullups, my greatest hurdle in the entire test. Secondly i must thank him for letting me jump the s.b.j like 4 times. By right, i'm only allowed to jump twice. But seriously i din know how come i can fail my sbj! I have always passed it. I tell you, sbj is the most paiseh section can. As i failed my first three jumps, i am only allowed to jump one more time after begging for one last try. So naturally i was really nervous because i finally got to pass my pull up and if i were to fail my sbj it would have been such a major let down! Then i tell you, i fell down flat on my face can. Malu X1000. Jump until fall down flat. Everyone around me was like "ouch". Although i dont feel any pain. Fortunately, i was given another chance and this time there is this unknown force which pulled my legs forward. Serious, my legs were so much further than my body, i almost broke my backbone. (abit drama sia). Lastly, i must thank him for encouraging me in my 2.4km which was done straight after sit and reach. I was extremely blur by then and i lost count, as usual. And i miscounted my timing, i thought 12.30 was the passing time and i almost gave up at 12 min because i saw there was still half a round to go and suddenly i recalled that the passing time is 13.30 min! so i ran and ran... and passed barely. You must understand i haven been running since the last napfa can, so you cannot really blame me for being slow. After so many dramatic experiences,if i still dont pass then i should really stuff my head in a coconut and so i finally passed my Napfa test and i must really thank mr siva for his continuous support and co operation. So from week 6, i can do taekwondo instead of Fitness! Woohoo~! Some teachers are really nice while some are rather $^%$%#. Haha, i think b-jie wants to appear in my blog again. She ALWAYS has something to say while taking attendance ok. Why SHE LIKE TT?! This time she say my grammar and tenses are mixed up. Ok, mixed up then mixed up LARH. I did it on purpose, i want to make you confuse. I want to make your brain go haywire and your eye browns frown until they form a new shape. I want to tie you up and send you to another planet. Just joking, i'm used to it and i forgive you ok? So no blog entry for you. Too bad, too sad. Regarding the previous entry, i AM NOT REALLY 35kg! If i am really 35kg i can jump down the building and be blown about by the wind already. That entry was indeed VERY exaggerated. Even the pose i was doing, i was trying to imitate some slimming advert. It's just for viewing and reading pleasure. 7/20/2005POWER to the people.
I'm sick and tired of being skinny. I need to be Fat.
I used to be fat when i was young but as i grew older, the fats seemed to have vanished into some unknown tunnel in my body. I have always grown vertically and never horizontally, i wonder why. So I decided on my new lifestyle regime to help me achieve my goal of being fat. I'm creating a new programme for myself, POWER. POWER, refers to Putting On Weight Everyday Repeatedly. That's right, i'm going to try my best to put on weight everyday. I'm going to restrict my everyday movements to reduce metabolism. I'm going to get my stock ready, i mean foodstock. Only foods with 50% fat content are permitted to enter the house. Fat-free products, etc will all be out of my dietary list. YES, I AM GOING TO BE FAT. My programme lasts 90 days. Until the day of my promotion exams i think i might need to squeeze through the entrance and use 2 chairs to support myself. But i can imagine how much thinner i am going to get again during that gruelling period. Ok, let's not think about it so far yet. POWER programme will be incoporated with TOWNS (tan only when no-one sees), so that end product will be a TANNED FAT HANDSOME BEN. Who says being fat cant be handsome? I will show you ok! Hm, i think it might be rather tough juggling the 2 programmes together. I must tan while ensuring the sun dont burn off my fats, how?! Anyway, i shant think about it so far yet. I doubt anyone will want to join me in POWER. So i will fight the battle myself! I will fight against all the worms and snakes in my stomach that might be actually consuming all my food. Watch out! Being Fat has lots of advantages. Being fat means that i can occupy i whole seat in the bus which also means that i dont have to share a seat with stinking strangers. Being fat will make me more stable and i wont feel threatened when the wind blows. I need fats, i need POWER!! POWER : 90 days Fattening Course ![]() P.s the pictures have gone through severe photoshopping and reflects little about the actual person. ________________________________ I finally got back all my papers and i did average (i think). Obviously it could have been better, but then i cant really do much about it. Maybe i should really start working harder. You want to know what i got? You want? Really? ok, dont tell you. Kks, i got BCCC. Told you it's just average. Actually my grades show that i did study, but not enough. My closet need to be deeper. Stupid kannan you owe me a treat ok. And you min, you owe me a teh beng. See, getting lousy grades isnt a bad thing. And i calculated my L1R4. There's no such thing in JC, i calculated out of fun. i got 24 points! HAHA! 5 subjects 24 points can, cannot even enter JC. Try calculating yours and see what you got, by the way, i used the old O levels grading. Happy birthday to tiffy.
7/18/2005No. 101 : Pitter pAtter![]() It's really fast. This is my 101 posts since 25th March, when i posted my first entry, Ultra Annoying. I created 101 posts in 4 months. The amount of words i can generate online is shocking. I dont think i can ever do that in GP. But then again, it's really different. Writing a GP essay and a blog entry are 2 worlds apart. Gp essay must have sign posting, central argument, conclusion..blah while blog entry doesnt even need me to exercise my brain cells a little bit. Sometimes even one line will do. Gp essay adds stress to me while post reduce stress for me. I must admit, i am addicted to blogging and i enjoy it anyway. And here, my 101 entry. Thanks to those who followed my blog ever since the start of day 1. I can still remember the first note-leaver is by May! And the first photo i posted here using proper channels is also May. I also wont forget my guest no. 1000 Tze hui! Haha, now it sounds as though i'm going to close down my blog. Ok, let me get back to my normal blogging. I haven been blogging for 3 days already because essentially, i have nothing much to blog about because i'm a couch potato. I stay at home most of the time. Dont say i have no life ok, because i enjoy staying at home and staying at home is hip. Anyway, yesterday i went to Bontanical Gardens for the Band fiesta performance. Rvcb performed last week but i din go as it was raining quite heavily and i made it up by going yesterday as babanets outing. Quite good, we have just nice amount of food and everything went on smoooooothly. I went to Orchard road for dinner after that and we met a very lousy beggar. Actually i wouldn't call her a beggar because she was selling tissues. We met her at the T-junction and Kai Fen was very helpful to actually want to purchase her unappealing tissue packet. I simply walked past her. Kaifen very kindly gave her $1 for that packet of tissue but you know what, she demanded $2. That old woman at the T-junction people!Dont buy tissue packets from her! Where on Earth do people sell one packet of tissue for $2!! Daylight robbery can. She can walk, can stand, can move, can see, in a nutshell, she is fit! Even those blind people at the coffee shop only sell tissues at 3 for $1 ok. She charge almost 10 times as much as those poor blind people groping around the coffee shop ok! So what if it is orchard road? Tissue papers are still tissue papers and she dont even pay a rent for her standing spot, so how can she charge more than others? Sigh, speak about doing charity these days. You dont donate, they say singaporeans not generous. You donate, people take your money build gold tap and abuse your kind-heartedness. Let's talk about more light-hearted topics ok. -->> Happy birthday Jiexuan. I'm sick again. My throat's sore and my nose's stuck. Help. 7/15/2005crude. crude?
What do you define as crude?
Is it digging nose in public? ![]() Erm, well i would say, yes. Digging nose is public is definitely a crude action. Anyway, let me check the exact definition of crude, Adjective 1. Lacking tact or taste; blunt or offensive: a crude, mannerless oaf; a crude remark. 2.Characterized by uncultured simplicity; lacking in sophistication or subtlety In that sense, digging nose is classified under definition 2, uncultured simplicity and lacking in sophistication. As i am discussing a rather crude issue, i'm being crude too. Bear with me for a little while, the main issue isnt about digging nose, and it's just my nature to duscuss such things a little deeper. From the above image, it can be seen some might enjoy digging nose, but it really shouldnt be done so publicly. I would consider such activity as private and should be of course, be done privately. And i will also like to take the chance here, to appeal to those who likes digging nose in public to stop immediately and also to those who has friends like that, try to stop them by slapping them tightly on their cheeks everytime they insert their index finger into their nostrils. Ok, i shall stop talking about such crude issues. What i was trying to bring across is how people nowadays are becoming more and more crude and they actually enjoy being crude. You see, i was blog surfing a moment ago and i read a few blogs which were flooded with explicit vulgarities. I'm not a vulgar person but i can tolerate small dosage of vulgarities but not continuous, non-stop rattling of crude words. Here's an extract You ask all the opposition party people who ever try to sue Singapore newspaper before to show you their backside hole. You will see that their holes is very big and now they fart no sound already, because their backside kena fuck by Singapore kuai lan newspaper. I also read this NKF fucker use the charity money fly first class aeroplane. You are charity company boss, have to fly where for fuck? Other country want to donate to you issit? And even if fly, cannot fly by economy ah? Your backside sitting that first class seat is paid by working people's donation, ok?I think if continue like this, all those NKF charity tv show stunt also not enough. I think have to call the Zoe Tay and the Fiona Xie and the other TCS star to take off their clothes and suck cock on tv!!! Then maybe can collect enough money for the kidney patients plus this fucker salary and his first class tickets.And maybe first prize is win a car, a condom house, and one fuck from Fann Wong! Hahahahahaha!!!!Consolation prize can be those not so famous star like Sharon Au and Ann Kok suck your kok!! Hahahahahaha!!! That's crude, isnt it? The worst thing is, people idolise him because of his crudity. Let me copy a few comments to show you, lolol said... you rawk! i'm coming back for more! diver first class said... Rock/Horse,Li See Wa Eh HeeeeRow!!! And many many more, idolising his foul language. Terrible. Now you get what i mean? But then again, as a blogger myself, i dont detest him because it's my choice whether to read or not and i can choose whether to revisit the site or not. But i'm just uncomfortable with such vulgarities-filled entries and with people idolising it. Anyway, his entry was about the recent hot topic : T.T Durai and his overpaid salary. Since everyone's talking about it already, i shall not dwell into it. Furthermore his board and him has already resigned. Today's my favourite day again, friday! I must spend my friday slowly before it quickly leaks away and becomes a boring monday. I need to buy a bag soon. My bag's rotting and it looks big even if i only put very few things in it. And thanks to Lowell mich leeying zhixiang hongyun kannan hong sheng for buying me a new pair of quiksilver slippers as my birthday present! That more or less helps me to complete my birthday wishlist. Thanks. And now i can goodbye to my old, dirty blackish brandless slippers! 7/13/2005Kiasu parents are so cute.
On a bright sunny afternoon, a few of us went to the 2005 swim meet. The first match support i have ever been since the start of they year, in attempt to fill my match support card.
The match was quite exciting actually. And the raffles schools won almost everything! I think rjc did very well too. The last match was the most exciting because it was between acjc and rjc and they were so so so close! Fortunately the last swimmer exceeded the other swimmer and we got 1st for the relay. Impressive impressive. I never knew match support can be so exciting. But i must admit i'm not a very good supporter, because i was munching sea weeds while the RI boys in their small tight white square pants were cheering at the top of their voices. Quite noisy actually, disturbing my mini picnic. Then out of the blue, i heard a continuos chatter from a hoarse voiced lady behind who caught my attention. Clad in an orange obasan 3/4 pants and a tight-fitting shirt peppered with orange slices and small small funny orangy designs, she was busy conversing with another kiasu parent. According to the way she recites all the swimmers' name, i can tell she is indeed a very supportive parent. A kiasu one too. Her conversation was super interesting and i have no choice but to eavesdrop. I dont want to mention names, so let's call her Mdm XLM ( X-tra loud mouth). Mdm XLM: Wah! That boy actually swim very fast arh, but he touched the wall too slow Wasted! Or else he would have won! Parent B : Yah his body too short! Mdm XLM: He should eat more *taw tau suan , can make the body longer. I must give my son eat more taw tau suan next time! Your son Danny got eat or not? Next time make more taw tau suan give him next time then can touch the wall. Aiyah.. *taw tau suan i figured is long beans, believe to help lengthen body to make the body like long beans. The above is a short excerpt from what i eavesdropped from Mdm XLM. The way she speaks is really funny. Sounds totally like apical kiasu parent. Then the competition went on and on and my butt hurt quite badly because i sat at the concrete floor non-stop for 2 hours, only exercising my mouth. Suddenly the head prefect decided to make everybody stand so as to cheer louder. This is a very bad move because it caused Mdm XLM to flare up. You see, being a very kiasu parent, she need to have a clear and perfect view of the swimmers. So, when people stood up to block her view, she was indeed very very furious. Her make up started to melt off her face and her hair expanded and became like a mad woman. Mdm XLM started screaming at the prefects behind her. Mdm XLM : YOU ARE ARE NOT SHOWING PUBLIC CONSIDERATION! YOU ALL STAND UP LIKE THAT HOW YOU EXPECT ME TO SEE. ASK THEM TO SIT DOWN!! CALL YOUR TEACHER IN CHARGE HERE NOW, I WANT TO COMPLAIN TO HIM. *Poor prefect who was flabberghasted was too slow to react. Mdm XLM: YOU DONT UNDERESTIMATE ME OK! I WAS YOUR EX EX EX EX STUDENT FROM RI. YOU ASK YOUR TEACHER HERE NOW! *prefect rushes off to inform whoever. Mdm XLM to the students in front of her : DID YOU ALL NOT HEAR ME! I TOLD YOU ALL TO SIT DOWN! NOW! But due to her hoarse nature of her voice, she could not project her voice properly and some student could not hear her. So she was really really angry. However, i think she is being a serious nut. First of all, if she wanted a clear view, she could have just moved to somewhere else instead of sitting right at the back, hidden in the crowd. So she have no right to command people to sit down. She almost complained to Mr hodge who just arrived, but i doubt she has the guts to do so. Secondly, being an EX EX EX EX EX student of RI, (according to reliable info, she graduated in 1976. that's like how long?!), doesnt give her the right to make everyone compromise their cheering for her personal enjoyment. Lastly, it's just normal for people to stand and cheer what. Great impact alright, you obasan! During the interval, i heard she went to complain to the head prefect. Upon returning to her seat she was all laughing and joking about how nice the prefect was and how singapore has hope of a better government. And she told her friends that standing up to cheer occurs only at certain matches and she understands it. My goodness. this kind of woman also exist. On the other hand, her friend got infected by her foul temper. She said that students have no brains and inconsiderate. Whatever, because i did not stand ok! In fact, i dont dare to stand, i was right in front of her. I must say Mdm XLM and company derives great pleasure scolding her so-called "juniors". XLM's company scolded a girl for taking a book without permission and said she was thoroughly " disappointed" with her being her senior. After which, she proudly narrated how she scolded the girl to mdm XLM and both of them chuckled happily. This is bad, because they are bullying students and making fun out of them. I'm embarrassed and disappointed to have such seniors. Lucky she never scold me ok, or i will take a photo of her, disort and post it here. That's all for match support which i did not get my card stamped because no one was giving stamps! They better not accuse me of not attending any match, because i just did and i showed a lot of support. I even warned you all of this orange XLM woman so if next year you happen to go, you know who to avoid, where to sit and when not to stand. And i broke Guinness World of Records today. Name: Benjamin Lim Broke the Record of: Controlling Urine - Controlled Urine for 3600 000 ms (aiyah dont need to count, 1hr) Venue: LT1 Time: 10.05am 7/12/2005my new idol
Actually i intended to come home early today to catch some sleep, but i decided to pluck out some sleeping time, blogging about my new idol ok?
Other than Ms wee, my teacher-idol, i have found another new ou xiang. He's really talented, gifted, brave and also the most positive person i have ever met in real life. I think his achievements as a handicapped person who is paralysed waist down far exceeds most people. Despite his disability, he broke the Guinness World of Records by completing 7 marathons in 7 continents in 70 days, in a wheel chair, all in the name of charity. Fortunately i decided not to skip his talk yesterday and attended it because it was truly inspirational. Just by watching the video clip he showed us, i already had goosebumps popping all over my hands because it was really touching. Seeing someone who has polio since a tender age of 2 completing marathons, achieving his goals really inspires. The fact that he still managed to complete his doctorate and becoming an official certified medical doctor despite being rejected by NUS made me respect him more. He even delivered twins! Oh, i forgot to introduce my idol. He's Dr. William Tan. If it does sound familiar, it's because you read it in the Strait's Times. He appeared quite a few times there. He is so highly qualified that accompanying his name is 3 lines of credentials. Today he came back down to school again to sell his poster. It's a motivational poster. And i thick-skinnedly ask to take a photo with him. Plus, i got his AUTOGRAPH on the poster! Haha, my ou xiang ok! But his silly fat assisstant made me quite embarrassed can. You see, the poster is $5, but i did not have small change, so i gave her $10. Then she asked me if i want my change back. ARGH, of course i want lah, $5 leh, can buy another poster can! So, i have to like act abit humble and admit lah. And i got back my $5. haha, sounds so cheap skate. People poor cannot is it. So i took a WTF club photo. Erms, i mean William Tan Fan club photo. ![]() The photo is seriously ugly because the lousy photographer did not adjust the flash properly and a big bright patch appeared at the top, which indirectly results in our face being dark and blurred. (i think she jealous only). After photoshopping that's all i can do, at least my face can be seen now ok. We're holding on to the posters anyway. I look so TOOT can, my hair like one side got bomb like that. Focus on my idol ok, dont care about me. That's so much for my introduction of my new ou xiang. 7/11/2005Ghost 101.
I'm always frightening myself.
Every now and then, i will hear thumping noises from above and sometimes, sounds of marbles dropping. LIKE NOW, i'm hearing furnitures dragging. This gets a bit freaky especially during the wee hours of the day, like 1am. There was once i heard some stomping noise late at night at around 1am when i was about to sleep and it was very eerie. I had goosebumps because i was pondering who in the right mind will be stomping their feet at 1am. WHO?! Dont let me find out, i will go up and bang his door like a loanshark ( then run away). I told my grandmother about such encounters and she told me it was ghost. She said she saw them before but just did not want to say it out to scare us. She said ghosts will play with marbles at night and make funny noises, accounting for the noisy marbles i heard. But i dont believe! I have been living here for more than a decade and it's CLEAN. NO GHOSTS! According to the Sunday times, they said the noises are due to the contraction of water pipes and people washing the sink. But then again, who will be washing the sink at 1am? and why will water pipes produce such low pitched sounds? Isnt it suppose to produce creaky noises instead? 7/09/2005Roti prata spiderman
Dont reply my message, fine. I wont reply yours. Nowadays i have serious issues with people who pruposely ignore my message and pretend as though nothing has happened. Some messages dont need a reply, i'm fine with that. But when you ask a question, obviously you want a reply. And people delibrately just ignore your message. (this happens really commonly when you ask for a favour). That's very very rude. Even if you give a negative answer, it's totally fine compared to ignoring the message totally, leaving me hanging in the air like a dumb dumb tarzan wearing the wrong underwear. Fine fine fine, dont reply then i will an eye for an eye. Next time you message me for a favour, i will pretend the phone vibrated on itself.
Ok, i've had enough complaining. It's getting quite fun complaining here. You know, it's a form of stress buster. I feel happier now. And i made a shocking discovery today. Now i know where did all my oil go. And why no matter how much oil i consume, i wont grow fat. The oil gets excreted via my face. I found out this amazing fact this morning when i saw a new pimple budding from in between my (almost connecting) eyebrowns. By the way, nowadays fashion Unibrown. Dinstint eyebrowns are getting too common, unbrowns are more unique. As i was saying, i saw a new pimple and i suddenly recalled that yesterday i ate KFC. The oil from the fried chicken came out from the new pimple. No wonder i'm not growing any fatter. All the oil is coming out through my face! Today i went for band late, again. (according to my personal standards, i'm considered punctual, considering i pang sai before band). I hate controlling shit. The feeling of shit coming out yet no where to shit is a terrible feeling. After band, we went to the very famous You cannot snatch my prata The pratas are really not bad. I think mine's the best. PAPER PRATA! It's very crispy but it takes the longest time to prepare. (looks like omelette) And the obscene leeying was digging her nose like as though it;s a never ending hole. The index finger went up and down up and down... I was quite afraid her pisai will land in my prata can, somemore my prata got one hole in the middle.. Ok, last picture of the prata experience. Milo Dinosaur! Yummy yummy! After which i attended a Rock wall climbing session. I'm good ok, i'm good! After mastering my rock wall skills i will become spiderman. (hint to directors who want to film Asian Spiderman. I'm the best choice). I even help you all create the poster liao. I can do publicity myself also. Erm, can you all tell lushan dont keep asking me donate blood. I'm skinny myself already and if i lose somemore blood, i will be blown away with the leaves. Or even swirl together with the leaves on windy days. Then i look super pale until my family gets a shock everynight they see Actually come to think of it, may and lushan quite matching. The share common interests( e.g dontating blood), both surnames start with lu and one black one white. Chao matching sia! Then they just have to name their child Lu and it's done. A 3 in 1 name. Lu Lu can function as a chinese name, christian name Lulu and it's also their surname. Lululululu. Then the next child can by named Xi. So it's LuXi, or Lucy. Wah, brilliant man me.
7/08/2005Dont say i dont know.
Dont know your head lah! Everything also dont know. I hate this kind of people. You ask them this, they say dont know, you ask them that, they also say dont know. Whatever you ask them, their answers are, invariably, I dont know. I'm beginning to lose my tolerance to I dont know people. They are getting on my nerves ok. Not only are they wasting my time, they irritate me to the core. Are questions really that hard to answer? Occassionally, yes. But all the time is too much. TOO MUCH OK! Even the simplest question takes me a million years to squeeze out a one simple worded answer, Yes or No.
A: Do you want a drink? B: I dont know leh. A: You want to watch channel 5 or channel 8? B: Hm, dont know. If i am person A, i will give one tight punch onto person B's right eye. Then the left eye. B: Why you hit me? A: I dont know. Irritants irritants irritants. Indecisive empty headed people, you are my enemy. Dont talk to me. I dont want to get into fits. Please leave me 10000000 metres away. Other than that, i also dont like people who have no backbone at all, like RUAN MIAN MIAN. (haha, she's the stupid vietnam girl in Tong xin yuan, channel 8, 7pm). I hate it when she falters at every single situation. Even if it isnt her fault AT ALL, she fails to defend herself properly and as the helpless viewer, i just feel like throwing my apple at her face. (of course i cant, or my TV will spoil and my mother will throw the apple at my face). IF IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT, WHY ADMIT?! And the worst thing is she keeps apologising albeit not her fault. This makes me fume and my brain nearly got cooked because of her inability to speak up and yet, apologise for no valid reason. I tell you, that show produces the most number of annoying characters in the world. Dayang is another idiot. The way he speaks is like as though jam is stuck at his throat. And he is so freaking stupid to be manipulated by the big mouth yu whose mole i feel like digging out. Ok, enough. It's just a show. A SHOW. I wont watch it anymore before i get high blood pressure. Blame it on the lack of tv programmes. Yesterday was memo's birthday! And we went out for dinner at night. Happy birthday memo, i hope you will be happy forever and wish you good health and prosperity. And may irritants of the world be bundles together and burst into fireworks. My sister's boss gave memo a bouquet of flowers!
and my sis got her a crystal flower handphone key ring which is very elegant! By the way, today's glen birthday. I wished him Happy birthday on the dot at 12am ok. I'm such a good friend right. Dont envy him ok. And before the day ends, another Happy birthday to you. Yesterday i skipped school because i had a very important dental appointment at the national dental centre. I made an appointment 1 month ago. If my infection still doesnt cure, i will have to do an operation to remove the gum bone which of course, i would dread to. The next appointment is in august the 31st. That's how packed the hospital is. P.S I did not skip school on purpose. I hate it when people accuse me of skipping school. Like as if i purposely arrange an appointment at that time. Along with that, the dentist also realised my lower jaw is wrong. It is protruding outer than my higher jaw. That's why i thought something was wrong with my mouth and face. (like May like that). But to correct it, i need to put on braces which costs 3000 dollars. How to afford like that. *sigh, words from a poor boy How i wish everything could be photoshopped. With a simple click on the mouse, everything will be perfect and furthermore, it's painless. Click ! Sharper nose. Click! whitened teeth. Click! Repaired jaw. I wished. I went swimming today! Resuming my TOWNS programme after a long 3 weeks break. I tried on my birthday present --limited edition nike goggles. It looks really great, it's anti-fog and UV protected. Most importantly, it's blue! Special thanks to Jie xuan especially who travelled great distances to get my goggles! She walked almost the whole of orchard, been into a few royal sporting houses and nike shops to get it and i really appreciate it ok. Thanks a billion. Thanks to the rest like gail xincai sweeling jared youmin liupei tessie jiahui michellelow shaoshuang agnes ! Whoopie. Today's my favourite day of the week. FRIDAY! I love fridays and i want to live in fridays forever. 7/07/2005Memo...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll write a proper entry tomorrow after dinner. It's Memo's birthday! p.s memo is my mom.
7/05/2005Top 2 mei nu from mainland![]() pretty boh? ![]() I come from mainland china. The top 2 mei nus from mainland unite here at this historical moment. Ok lah, i better write a short disclaimer. They arent ugly in real life. Thos are photos taken like 4 years back and this 4 years really make a big difference. For example, eunice no longer wear specs. 7/03/2005slitty eyes? fret not.
I forgot to comment about last week superstar show and i am feeling a little uneasy. I thought everyone performed quite ok. But then now, i'm only going to single out one contestant who was critisized as having ling yilian's slitty eyes. The worst thing is the judges actually said he was cute. CUTE MY FOOT. You call slitty eyes cute? You dont even know if they're sleeping or not. HA. Evil but true. That's the harmful truth. Being the kind soul here, i decided to lend him a helping hand. Even if he cannot appear to have big round goldfishy eyes in real life, at the very least he can deceive people in photos.
Oh i forgot to introdue who is the lucky contestant whom i kept ranting on and on.. ![]() You can see his eyes ornot? Behind his fringe, in case you thought his eyes were somewhere else. Anway, after some time, i finally made his eyes more visible. With Some magic touches... . . . . . . . . . . ![]() For better comparison, here you go: ![]() Someone give me CIP hours. 7/02/2005Hooray hooray!
I just did an extreme makeover. It was a full 10 hours of operation and finally, the result was satisfying. At least, to me. Being the technologically retarded person i am, i finally succeeded in my makeover.
For my blog.I mean, i just completed revamping turnmachine.blogspot.com. You mean you really thought i went for a makeover? I dont believe you are that naive man. (anyway i dont need to can) I revamp until i almost vomitted blood. Html codes are super confusing and not having touched them properly for my whole lifetime, it was not an easy task ok. But you see, the end product is still good. I especially like the robot at the top right hand corner of the page. That was one of my toys, i bought it at action city for $1 dollar only! Great bargain, but i dont think they do sell this robot anymore... It will even shake it's butt when you wind the spring. Oh, i must remember to thank huei shan because i constantly bugged her to help me although there isnt really much to help because the codes are really too too confusing. I think my spectacles degree increased by 100 after doing this major revamp. You know, this makes me wonder how the people at blogskins.com got so much to design templates. Some even say things like " this is my 20th design.." Before they can even continue to say anything, my mouth is already so widely agaped that a housefly could probably fly in. 20 SKINS leh, siao siao. How free can these people get?! i do 1 pathetic black skin already need 2 days. Going by proportionality, 1 skin 2 days, 20 skins i need to spend 20 days sitting in front of the computer marathon. Then maybe after that i can join Guiness World of Records, competing with that woman for the eye protruding record. I got chance one can. Hm, come to think of it, i haven been properly blogging for 2 whole weeks! Other than skimpy entries like saying happy birthday to myself, i haven actually written something properly. Now now, common test's over! And i'm going to update like crazy. I'm just too elated that i have survived the terrible ordeal, maybe not yet, when i get back my shocking results i will probably get into fits or something. Spasm, convulsions... of that sort. After chemistry paper yesterday, i had dinner and went home feeling really relieved. I twirled my underwear, walk around, take photos of fishes, juggle like a nut..blah blah..really happy because CT IS OVER! Ohoh, I tell you all a good news ok, dont tell siok teng, Orlando is back! Woohoo! My camera is back! But of course, i wont distort people's picture, because i promised not to and i'm a person of integrity ok. So now i'll be at my normal cameraman routine, and the best thing is i dont have to borrow people's camera anymore! It's just so good to have something of your own right. My sister just came back from Moscow and we played mahjong . YOU KNOW WHAT, I ALMOST GOT SHI SAN YAO YESTERDAY! I only missed one YI WAN tile to win ok. _________ That day, i was checking my tracker and i realised quite a few tourists have been visiting me. HELLO STRANGERS! *waves Welcome to turnmachine.blogspot.com. Besides that, i found out something really earth-shattering and also, amusing. You know how some people come to my blog. I show you ![]() People ACTUALLY SEARCH FOR RU HUA THEME SONG. My goodness sake, what has the world become! The worst thing is search engines direct them to my blog can. In what sense does my blog resemble RU HUA THEME SONG. (although i did mention ru hua was my idol..haha!). Goodness gracious, turnmachine-ru hua theme song, ruhua theme song-turnmachine, NO LINK NO LINK. Please dont associate these 2 subjects anymore ok. After 2 weeks of rotting at home and not seeing the sun, i suspect i have vitamin D deficiency which might lead to scurvy scurvy and i-dont-know-what. No wonder i have lost weight. I CANT AFFORD TO LOSE ANYMORE WEIGHT. ONE kg, or even ONE gram means a lot to me. If this carries on, i might not be able to fly kite anymore, because i will be blown away. My body functions really weirdly. I eat DEEP FRIED potato chips in the middle of the night, eating fried chicken, oily stuff and i lose weight. What kind of logic is this?! RoJak kaLipok. (my new term to express illogical, random thoughts) rOjak kaLipok, that's right. In addition, my little tan that i used to have last month is fading off like nobody's business. What is going on!? Everything is going against me. I better resume TOWNS programme really soon before i am able to camouflage against any white concrete wall. Now my blog very easy to read right? The words so big sia! Now even your grandmother can read with you. In fact your whole family can sit together side by side, read my blog harmoniously. Promote family bonding K! HAHA. Like as if they're interested. I'm currently lagging at home, too lazy to do anything. I am too lazy to go out. I'm made up of lazy bones and happy fats. When i laze around, i'm happy. You get the link? (roJak kaLipok). Update blogs leh people. Everytime waste my time blog visit can. It's like going all the way from west coast park to wild wild wet and they never open. Haha,what a stupid analogy. What i mean is essentially, simplilily, in a nutshell, update your blogs. And dont learn from May go and gao those 3seconds entry. As in, her entries can be read, memorised, regurgitated in 3 seconds. That's how short it can get. Ks, i have nothing constructive to say now.